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New Problem: Error Message

I got the following er ror message and have no idea how to fix it. I did NOT edit any script.  
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Randall! It might be helpful to list the scripts you have installed. A screenshot will do for that. At first glance, the variables setupMacros and setupHandouts appear to be unique to the Token Controller script, and HtmlBuilder is a helper script it references. You might want to make sure HtmlBuilder is installed and active (it should have installed itself, since it's a dependency). Note, I am very much a code dilettante. One of the folks on the forum who do this as a living might have better insight.
NM. Figured it out. Ping Buddy didn't load correctly the first time (or something, because I deleted it and reinstalled it and everything is good now).
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Just to follow up, all of these scripts reference HtmlBuilder, so if you had one of them installed, you would need to have the HtmlBuilder script also installed: TokenController StatusTracker ItsATrap_theme_BurnBryte HtmlBuilder ItsATrap_theme_DnD3.5 Its A Trap ItsATrap_theme_WoDClassic WelcomePackage ItsATrap_theme_GammaWorld7 CheckItOut Hexploration CarryTokens Earthdawn (FASA Official) character sheet companion ItsATrap_theme_Starfinder ItsATrap_theme_Pathfinder AreasOfEffect ItsATrap_theme_RoleplayingIsMagic4 MarkerManager Installing them should have pulled in that dependency.  If it didn't, there might have been a problem with the SandBox that prevented it (like having a script with that name already that doesn't provide the same facility), or they may have the dependency mis-specified in their script.json. I'll try to remember to investigate that. In general, if you see a Reference Error in the API with a 1-click script, you can be almost certain that there is another script you need to install.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Following up the follow up, Ping Buddy does not have any dependencies, on HtmlBuilder or otherwise. I'd likely chalk this up to a hiccup somewhere in installing. The Mod system does sometimes crash spontaneously, and a re-start usually sorts it.
Excellent, thank you very much.