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Help with a Tongues macro


Edited 1695150353
So I'm using the Tongues API and I have a working macro but I've been trying to make it an emote rather than a normal chat entry, but everything I have tried so far has broken it.  Here is the Macro !tongues ?{LanguageDraconic|Elvish|Giant|Goblin|Halfling|Sylvan|Terran|Thieves Cant} ?{Text|Say something} And what I want it to come out as SoandSo says "Say something" Basically as if you typed /em "Say something" But using the macro  I'm pretty sure it's a simple thing that I missed, but I tried everything I could think of
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Master Azroth! That's an old script. It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I can at least see a typo in your macro. There is a missing pipe in the first query. Try: !tongues ?{Language|Draconic|Elvish|Giant|Goblin|Halfling|Sylvan|Terran|Thieves Cant} ?{Text|Say something} Also, you might want to consider removing the space in Thieves Cant. I think it likely the script splits language and message on a space. Lastly, did you follow all of the setup instructions here ?
keithcurtis said: Hi Master Azroth! That's an old script. It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I can at least see a typo in your macro. There is a missing pipe in the first query. Try: !tongues ?{Language|Draconic|Elvish|Giant|Goblin|Halfling|Sylvan|Terran|Thieves Cant} ?{Text|Say something} Also, you might want to consider removing the space in Thieves Cant. I think it likely the script splits language and message on a space. Lastly, did you follow all of the setup instructions here ? Oh sorry I might have messed up the pipe when I was trying to get it to work as an emote, and that space in Thieves Cant needs to be there because that's what the language handout it titled. That all said the macro already work just like it should, I was simply trying to convert it to an emote instead of a regular chat entry.  it outputs like this and I was trying to get it to output like this but I haven't been able to get it to work
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Unless the script has an emote option(?), it is likely formatting the message internally. You would likely need to alter some of the code of the script. Look for the line:             sendChat(speaker, '[' + languageName + '] ' + translatedText); and change it to              sendChat(speaker, '/emas "' + speaker + '" says: '  + translatedText); Warning: I have not tried this. Use at your own peril, and so forth.

Edited 1695185958
That worked perfectly thank you so much