Hi there. When nesting IF ELSEs with APILogic. I cannot seem to get the output to be more than a single line. If I make a macro that has multiple lines, it will run fine. But calling it with IF ELSE causes issues because it's more than one line. For example. If I paste this into chat: !{& if @{character|count} = 3}Yes {&else}No {&end} {&simple} !{& if @{character|count} = 3} {&else}setattr --name character --mod --count|1 --silent {&end} both will run just fine. If I put it in a macro, it will run just fine. If I call that macro with APILogic, it throws errors. Is there some way I'm supposed to be marking off line breaks? Using <br> and \r messes things up too and it doesn't run. What am I missing?