We have eight applicants with the addition of NightBlade to the list. Official recruiting for this is now * closed * If you are interested I can put your name on an alternate list in case any of the current applicants have to drop or abandon their slot. Starting in November, after the Change to EST. Using Roll20, and Discord. Free game, no Cams Required. Space Exploration 120 light years to Rimward of Earth, in the Original Series era (1st Season). Please note, this is TOS, so no Main Characters that are Klingons, Bajorans, Romulans, Cardassians, etc. I am not looking for intrigue Secret Romulans, Gengineered Kilngons, nor Mirror universe assassins, no cross Genre Star Wars Characters. No werewolves or 1/4 elf pixie-fairies PCs. Straight up space exploration, Original Series.