It looks like your 15 dice examples are the same as your 10 dice code. I'm mainly trying to find out of your extra dice come from another attribute, a query, or a fixed amount. The order of extra dice doesn't matter, so you can put them before the ]], likke so rollqueryleadership:
"@{leadership}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}d10>10f<7 + @{leadership} + ?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}|" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}}+5d10>10f<7+5]]}}", If that doesn't work, try putting them inside the preceding }, like so: rollqueryleadership:
"@{leadership}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}d10>10f<7 + @{leadership} + ?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}|" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}+5d10>10f<7+5}]]}}", The reason I can't say definitively, is the entire code above is a fragment from a larger macro. It's incomplete, so I'm just guessing where the code should go. If neither of the previous efforts work, putting it at the start should work, like this rollqueryleadership:
"5d10>10f<7+5+@{leadership}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}}d10>10f<7+?{" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}d10>10f<7 + @{leadership} + ?{" +
getTranslationByKey("selectattribute") + "|" +
getTranslationByKey("intellect") + ",@{intellect}|" +
getTranslationByKey("might") + ",@{might}|" +
getTranslationByKey("presence") + ",@{presence}|" +
getTranslationByKey("cunning") + ",@{cunning}|" +
getTranslationByKey("dexterity") + ",@{dexterity}|" +
getTranslationByKey("manipulation") + ",@{manipulation}|" +
getTranslationByKey("resolve") + ",@{resolve}|" +
getTranslationByKey("stamina") + ",@{stamina}|" +
getTranslationByKey("composure") + ",@{composure}|" +
getTranslationByKey("extradice") + "|0}}]]}}",