Have a look at this: <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Translation#:~:text=CrowdIn,-Main%20page%20for&text=is%20a%20company%20Roll20%20uses,CrowdIn%20account%20%26%20join%20the%20projects" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Translation#:~:text=CrowdIn,-Main%20page%20for&text=is%20a%20company%20Roll20%20uses,CrowdIn%20account%20%26%20join%20the%20projects</a>. CrowdIn is mentioned here specifically for translations... Scott C. said: Not sure what that's in reference to. It can definitely be ignored. Things to note about translations in sheet development: If you are using translations in your sheetworkers via getTranslationByKey, the function's index of translation keys does not update when you upload a new translation file to the sandbox. Make sure to reload your sandbox before testing sheetworkers that depend on translations Other than that, there isn't anything hinky about translations. As far as I know, there isn't any noticeable delay before new translation keys populate to Roll20 from github. There may be a few minutes of delay as it's a manual process that is done after sheet pull requests are processed for the day.