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Folders to organize Marketplace purchases

Score + 120
I have about 100 marketplace purchases. Trying to find specifics in a long line is very difficult. I would suggest the addition of folders to organize your purchases. For example, I would like to look up my assets, by terrain type, map tiles, dungeon dressings, tokens, effects, etc.
michael k. said: I have about 100 marketplace purchases. Trying to find specifics in a long line is very difficult. I would suggest the addition of folders to organize your purchases. For example, I would like to look up my assets, by terrain type, map tiles, dungeon dressings, tokens, effects, etc. There are a ton of similar requests / suggestions to yours... all have been either closed or forgotten (Votes greater than 10 but nothing more)...
I'll keep voting for this +1
Well then we need to keep this alive!!  Everyone Vote for this option!!
It's a good idea and would kind of make things sane for people who have invested alot in Roll20.
API Scripter
This is something a lot of people may never need, but GMs do. Unfortunately, GMs are smaller in numbers here, and those that have spent on the marketplace versus those who want more upload space is an even smaller minority. Even if we get to the minimum for consideration, I feel like this will be relegated to the back burner of the back burner, especially with the 'hint' for search being to look up the asset numeric designation. I have 350+ folders, knowing the number of the folder will not help me find it. 
Yes please! +1
Jason K.
Marketplace Creator
Helps GMs out a lot!  +1
How hard is it to use the same coding that is used in the Journal tab also in the Marketplace and Library tab?! It's already written and works. Same principles apply. Roll20 doesn't work without GMs. Roll20 marketplace relies on GMs to purchase from them to help run games more efficiently. Vote YES on this idea!!
+1 from a fellow GM.
Roll20 needs to help it's GMs more. Especially when we spend money above and beyond our subscriptions. Add your vote!!
As poorly as the search sometimes works in helping find stuff within the folders, the ability to add some of our own organization would be most welcome.  

Edited 1700184798
I actually posted about this last week ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ), I think. But I guess your posting is getting more here I am to support it! I just want this damn change made. I'd also like to be able to run a search on our purchases as well! I just saw somebody else posted recently about a search function (like I was wanting).&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
This change is very easy for Roll20 to make. They have the code already written for the Journal tab. We, as GMs should have the option to be able to organize and find our own marketplace purchases and additions! Vote yes!!
I feel GM's need this support!
Other posts similar to this has not gained enough traction. We need your vote to get this going!
I vote for this one. Please, buyers need a way to class what they bought.
I'd really like to see this feature added.&nbsp; From what I've purchased plus pro subscriber content, it is a lot to deal with, and since I don't run D&amp;D or similar a lot of the content is just in my way and not allowing me easily get at what I want to use as a GM.
As every GM posting here can see. We need a way to organize our marketplace purchases. Vote Yes!
Don't let this feature disappear down the list! Vote yes
+1 this would be very useful
API Scripter
As Roll20 has added the subscription model monthly asset pitch, it's become imperative for me to be able to separate assets I purchased for a particular setting from the somewhat grab-bag of assets that come monthly. I don't use image/vignette tokens, for example, only top-down ones, so those subscription or monthly assets are never seen in my games, no matter how free they are, and now they clutter up my folders, and threaten to continue to do so the longer I stay subscribed, making this a problem that gets worse over time.&nbsp;
Don't forget to cast a positive vote to keep this going! Vote Yes!
organize your Marketplace purchases into folders to make it easier to find maps, tokens, dungeon dressing, etc... Vote yes!
+1 Currently I made a game specifically to add every add on to reference as needed, but it is a long process and would be much easier if their were built in methods to sort your purchases outside of a game.
Please read the posts in this forum. This is a needed addition. Vote Yes!
First of all: +1. This suggestion is something I’ve been wanting for a while, and always upvote whenever I find it in the forum. &nbsp;A general overhaul of how the art gallery works and how things are added to it would be great, or even just an overhaul of the art gallery search function so we can find items easier. That being said, you can already sort your purchases into folders. It’s just clunky and takes a while. A long while , especially if you’ve got a lot of purchases. You can add your marketplace purchases to your library, (the My Library tab in the Art Gallery) by right clicking on the purchase and selecting “Copy to Library”. After it’s in your library, you can drag it to a folder, rename it to make it easier for the search function to find, etc. Is this a great system? No. Is it quick and easy? Also no. But it does work. I’m not sure whether Marketplace Purchases that are added to your Library count against your storage quota. However, I’ve got about 60 purchases, each one with between 20 – 100 tokens, added to my Library, along with quite a bit of uploaded art, and my images only account for 16% of my storage quota.&nbsp;
Let's not let this option fall into oblivion! In the same way we can organize our Journal content, we need to be able to do the same in our Art Library with Marketplace purchases. Vote Yes!!
API Scripter
Reasons this is needed more and more:&nbsp; Re-uploading all of our purchased assets counts against our storage This is a prohibitively laborious process when you have 300+ asset folders Free Pro-assets often don't fit with our typical purchases We still can't auto-generate tokens with assets from the Marketplace Marketplace assets are poorly marked up for search (either they are missing salient search terms, or the entire folder is tagged in an effort to goose search sales, making the search once you purchase useless) and we cannot tag or organize items ourselves.&nbsp; It is becoming a worse choice to have purchased assets for these reasons, and I'm becoming disinclined to buy anything more as it only compounds the above problems, and remaining Pro makes this idea of purchasing new assets even less desirable.&nbsp;
Happy New Year! Please remember not to let this idea fade to the bottom of this forum list. We need the DEV team to see that we want to have the Art Library have the same abilities to organize our Marketplace purchases as we do organizing the items in our Journal tab. This should be relatively tweak existing code in the Journal tab to allow Marketplace purchases in the Art Library Tab. VOTE YES!!!
API Scripter
Pat said: This is something a lot of people may never need, but GMs do. Unfortunately, GMs are smaller in numbers here, and those that have spent on the marketplace versus those who want more upload space is an even smaller minority. Even if we get to the minimum for consideration, I feel like this will be relegated to the back burner of the back burner, especially with the 'hint' for search being to look up the asset numeric designation. I have 350+ folders, knowing the number of the folder will not help me find it.&nbsp; It is worth noting, that GMs are often the only ones in a group of players who have a paid subscription&nbsp; - likewise the most likely to have bought marketplace purchases. so whilst it is a small % of a small % that small subset is literally the same people who regularly put money into roll20. But if folders are not suitable, having search tags (which are already within the roll20 marketplace) would go a long way to help organize paid for assets.
Players go where the GMs are.&nbsp; Make it easier for the GMs.&nbsp; We buy subscriptions and products from the marketplace. I have a similar suggestion for helping to organize Add-on products.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Let's make the Marketplace worth making multiple purchases. We need folders to put our purchases in! VOTE YES!!
Roll20 really needs to make the Marketplace purchases easier to organize! Vote yes
now that we have folders for pages, lets get folders for purchases!!!!! This is significant as I have at least 3 different systems that I am running on Roll20 and would love to be able to sort by game system, and put all the "tokens", "dungeons" and "map items" that are not system specific into their own space.
Carl is Right, along with everyone else on this thread. With over 100 marketplace purchases, DMs need a way to organize them. Vote Yes for Folders to organize your Marketplace purchases.
Less about "manual organization" but being able to filter or most especially filter by date (newest to oldest or the reverse) is especially needed.&nbsp; Very difficult to find that item you just bought if you want to download things to your computer if you have to hunt and peck through many hundreds of sets in my case.
Marketplace Creator
Until they are searchable, sortable and manually organizable, I will not be purchasing a single thing on marketplace. Luckily, I have not yet, so far, in the few years i have been using roll20, because I've seen and heard similar complaints, and refuse to buy into such a disorganized system.
As long as we're organizing them, can we get a tool to allow us to view the contents (handouts, art, NPCs, etc) outside of the VTT? That way we can review without having to commit them to a game? Maybe even allow portions of addon's to be moved into a game like the 'Transmogrify' tool?
Reminder that we need a way as a GM to organize our Marketplace purchases! The Journal organization coding should be done for the art library section. With over a hundred purchases from several genres, we need to be able to create folders to subcategorize them for easy retrieval. VOTE YES!!!
+1 Going to add to the pile, lets keep improving this VTT! I would love to have a folder system like I do in my Journal, but then in the art tab!
+1 Like a lot of other GM's, I've made a *lot* of purchases since I created a Pro account. I have compendiums, modules, and assets, in quantity, from different systems. I am approaching a point where, without the basic functionality of sorting my purchases by system, type, title, or anything else that make it manageable, I'm reluctant to make any more purchases until I, failing the simplest catalog options, sit down and enter the several flat screen tv's worth of purchases into a spreadsheet. After investing the time in the learning curve to customize my games through the interface, and learning how to add functionality through api scripts, spending time cooking up a spreadsheet to keep track of my stuff, when I could be working on my own campaign and game management, is not resentment free. Please devs, fix this.
Yes please add folders!!!&nbsp;&nbsp; I would also love the option to delete or archive items.
+1 from another GM. Got stuff to create, but is stuck on scrolling for hours through purchases.
+1. Definitely needed.
+1&nbsp; Bought something today and now I have to scroll forever to try to find it.&nbsp; This is ridiculous.&nbsp; Support your GMs!
+1 Was just thinking this.. i would love option to create my own folders where i can put purchased packs in. Like, one folder for character packs, other one for vehicles, third for animated weather.. and so on and so forth..&nbsp;