Hi everyone, We're using the pathfinder 1st roll20 charactersheet. Everytime my ranger fires his bow the created attribute 'Pfeile' increases by one. After the fight the ranger uses the following lines to retrieve a random number of arrows and reset the attribute 'Pfeile' to 0. !wammo -M6zpcse50RSjYM2ajML repeating_attacks_$0_atkammo [[d@{Dagan Donnerfaust|Pfeile}]] Pfeil(e) !setattr --silent --charid -M6zpcse50RSjYM2ajML --Pfeile|0 I want to implement these two lines into a scriptcard. Implementing the 2nd line works fine. I don't know how to adress the repeating section (bold text above) in the first line. Is it possible using the ammo mod? Or is there a way using tokenmod or chatsetattr? Thanks in advance