Luke, since you are a Pro user, you could do this with Mods. I can offer an example with the ScriptCards mod . In this example, there are 3 macros as abilities on a character and it whispers a button to the GM to run the macro corresponding to the die roll in the ScriptCard. !scriptcard {{
--/|Runs a randomly chosen macro from the macro list
--/|Macro list is a comma separated list
--#title|Random Macro Roller
--+|[sheetbutton]Roll Random Macro::[&MacroCharacter]::[@MacroArr([= [$i] - 1])][/sheetbutton]
}} The result looks like this: There are probably other ways to accomplish the same result but this is a way to do it. If you already have your macros on a character sheet, all you need to do is change the variables at the top of the ScriptCard to your character's name and to a comma separated list of the ability names and you're set.