I played HeroQuest on Roll20 many times. I didn't set it up though, my DM did. The dice can be created easily with Roll20 feature called "Rollable Tables". For GiGs these dice are d6 that only has 2 results on the faces (shields or a skull, i think). For the DECKS you can use Roll20 feature, "Card Decks". You would need to scan-in the cards and upload them (or at least find them pre-scanned online, and still need to upload them into your art quota on Roll20, and configure them in Roll20's card-deck config). NOTE: You don't necessarily need to import the Monster Cards, or Character Cards. I think you need the Treasure Cards and the Spells. For the Character Sheet, here is a surprise, don't use the Roll20 Character Sheet feature. Instead use either Roll20 "Handouts" or simply put all the information on the Character's TOKENS (the character minis on the board). You can store their Health on a token bubble, and the rest of their stats on a Token's Tooltip (be sure to enable Show Tooltip to Players, for the characters, and not for the monsters).