So I'm looking to use a single query for mutliple functions within the same macro. In this case a Melf's Minute Meteors spell where I'd like to determine the number of meteors (by casting level) and then select 1 or 2 meteors to fire and multiply that query for the damage. The goal is to create something that looks like this: Unfortunately, I can't figure out how or if I can use the second query to also multiply the damage. If I do a straight query multiplied by the damage dice I get the right results but not the clear sentence structure I'm looking for in the resulting chat message. Is it possible to use the second query to list the # of meteors fired and then separately multiply that number by the damage dice? Current text of macro below: /em evokes [[(?{slot level?|3}-3)*2+6]] small meteors of fire and launches [[?{1 or 2|1}]] for {{2d6}} fire damage in a 5 foot radius sphere (DEX save DC@{selected|spell_save_dc} for half damage.)