Star Trek Adventures 2d20 System. 2265 Star Trek original series first season, immersive role play, with a Discord soundboard and some limited Star Trek sound effects via roll20. We use the game Mechanics for threat and momentum but if the story requires it we just let things play out in character. We encourage scenes like the XO and CO having a discussion in the ready room and they don't pay a crew momentum cost for that. Likewise your character can visit the security department rangeto brush up on hand phaser skill, with another character...and you're not going to pay momentum for that because these are character building scenes. But we also have Landing parties and Bridge scenes with space action, where the whole crew has to work together to survive. We are open to new players, in fact most of the group are new to the game system. Some are DieHard Star Trek fans, some are people who couldn't find 5e DM, and stayed. USS Azimuth (NCC-93616) (a prototype pre-Miranda long-range reconnaissance Cruiser, seen above) has just completed an 11 session story arc wrap up. After the next mission to convey Vulcan diplomats to Coridan, the ship is due to return to space dock at Earth for refit for one session, and thus we are recruiting for season 2. We are using Roll20, and Discord. Free game, no Cams Required. Space Exploration 120 light years to Rimward of Earth, in the Original Series era (1st Season). 2265 Please note, this is TOS, so no Main Characters that are Klingons, Bajorans, Romulans, Cardassians, etc. once I get to know you and you play something normal like a human andorian Vulcan etc I might let you stretch out a bit with something weird. I am not looking for Secret Romulans sent to blow up the ship on a Tal Shiar missions. No Gengineered Klingons, nor Mirror universe assassins. No cross Genre Star Wars Characters. This means no people in white robes with energy swords, or big hairy ape like creatures that carry Bandoliers as clothing No werewolves or 1/4 elf pixie-fairies PCs, because you can't find a D&D game. In our current crew: ** Main Characters :** CAPT R'Than (Caitian Male) - Commanding Officer, on track to be the first Caitian Admiral. LCDR Weiss (Human Male) - Science Officer with a bad reputation. ( Has IRL job offer, might leave soon. ) LTJG Dustin "Dusty" Smith (Human Male) - former tradeship officer, now bucking for promotion to Lieutenant that works as a Bridge Operations Assistant, and Deck officer. LTJG Hartley (Human Female) - Communications officer that was top of her class at the Academy, and has literally only a few months in the fleet. Often overwhelmed but trying to impress her father the ambassador. * Currently on sabbatical * ENS Fang - Bridge Engineering Assistant/ Computer Officer. * Plays every few weeks * Major NPCs: CDR Seleya (Vulcan Female) - a dedicated efficiency expert that has zero compassion for excuses and has a special White glove for noon inspection of the enlisted compartments. LCDR Sean Pierce (human male) An Australian engine designer who has mostly only seen shore-based engineering design commands, who is a guy who likes to kick back in his quarters reading technical journals in a bathrobe and slippers with a fosters laager at his side. Many Supervising and Supporting Characters , as well as notable and minor along with incidental name only NPCs. We're looking for an LT doctor, Nurse, any sort of medical enlisted character, as well as an assistant LTJG Helm, LTJG damage control assistant, or other LTJG engineering or science assistant on the bridge. We're also looking for any sort of enlisted characters, ranging from Master Chief to the newest raw crewman third class straight out of training on Mars, as well as crusty 40-year-old Warrant officers. Straight up space exploration. Going Boldly. Original Series Tropes : Deep Space Dark Energy creatures, A planet full of dinosaurs, flying through wormholes, planets breaking apart, rescuing a ship that has fallen into a Subspace rift, dodging Klingon neutral zone minefields, chasing down spies on an andorian construction base. Flying a shuttle into the shuttle Bay in a controlled crash because there's only seconds left before a sun crashes into a planet nearby. Punching Klingons in the face at neutral trade post bars. Waking up drunk on a beach on Risa. Papier maché rocks sprayed with glitter, and that weird tinkling moaning wind noise, when you get to an alien world with three stars that cast three shadows. Boatswain's Comms whistles and communicator chirps. Pneumatic door shushing open and closed. No prior star Fleet experience is required, we can teach you the mechanics... it's not too difficult. We can help you get a character together if you don't want to take over a supporting helps if you have seen Enterprise, and/or the Original Series. Post here or PM me with something a bit more in depth than "I'm interested." I will not answer a lazy application, or someone who's obviously going with a shotgun approach to any game that will have them. Entry to the game will require at least one conversation with the game master and the captain where we can assess your suitability to get along and play well with others... because it's not that we're super serious but you have to have the ability to get along and play well in a group of experienced role players... some of whom are voice actors and theater majors... Some are not. We have some people who are completely new to role-playing, or have only played 5th edition D&D for a little bit, and they couldn't find a game. So they joined and stayed. We do our best to accommodate those who are differently gendered from cishet, on the spectrum etc. some of our players use voice mod to make their voice female. Other players are actually female. Others play more minor characters so that they're not called upon to make critical decisions for the group, at their request. Some players can only play every other week, and we're happy to have them. So if you can play your character and stay mostly in character and follow along, be part of the crew , and make decisive decisions as a Starfleet officer, or follow orders given to the best of your ability, that's who we're looking for. We're all friends, we all get along we met through this game back in August of this year 2023.