Eve said: Hi Phil, The Book of Many Things package in the marketplace includes everything that you'd get with the physical book itself. This means that it unfortunately does not include the Deck of Many More things. One thing that my team and I did however when converting this title to Roll20 is we used the available artwork from the book to create a copy of the 22 card Deck of Many Things that we've included as part of an addon that can be added to any game you play on Roll20. This addon also includes the maps and adventure content from the book so you'll have maps at the ready for when your players draw the Donjon card first thing and get trapped in an extradimensional prison. Is there any opportunity to expand on this in the future? I've got the beautiful 66-card Deck of Many More Things in person, but it would be really helpful to have that full deck digitized like the 22-card deck is in this adventure add-on (i.e., as a Roll20 Deck under the Collections tab). Even if it's not part of the base Book of Many Things add-on like the 22-card deck is (which I think it should be), I'd appreciate the option to at least buy it separately (like the Tarokka Deck from Curse of Strahd) to use in my virtual games on Roll20.