If you used the SWSE sheet during the time when changes by Pearson/Meta
were active a few weeks ago, then you may have a bug affecting one or
more skills. The skills will display correctly on the sheet, but
rolling a skill will produce a result like the one below, without
showing everything that goes into it. It will also not update when the
sheet updates. I am working on a fix for this, but for now, here is how to solve the issue: Go the the Attributes & Abilities tab. Scroll
down towards the bottom and look for any attributes which are just the
names of the skills. (e.g. "UseComputer, Stealth,
Knowledge-LifeSciences, etc." (NOT an attributes which say Feat, Formula,
or Skill-X-Show) Delete those attributes with skill names. (They will have a number in them.) Why did this happen? Instead
of following the formula, javascript was used to directly calculate the
skill modifiers and update the sheet. This would be fine if it stayed
that way (apart from breaking old macros and no longer displaying the
formula information when hovered over in chat), but the changes to the
sheet were then reverted. Unfortunately, any attributes which were
changed did not revert. For those particular attributes which now have
no way to change them back, they are stuck that way. Deleting the
attribute resets it to the default value.