Hi, I've hit a strange snag. Not long u/g to Pro and am trying to speed up the next encounter by spawning in the various monsters as they gate in. I have a sandpit account where this script (SpawnDefaultToken) works a charm, but when I try it in the actual game, I get the special effect but no tokens? I have the exact same script running in that game for Spiritual Weapon and that works perfectly (different name obvs!). I have checked the journal tab and the creature is definitely there. Any pointers? I get a chat error that reads "Unable to find imgsrc for default token of (Hezrou) You must use an image file that has been uploaded to your Roll20 Library." I have tried copying the token art, saving to my PC and then dragging it back into the game and also using "upload" so it ends up in my Art library, though that has not been necessary in the sandpit game, to no avail. I have also (as GM) named myself in the journal and edit boxes for the token to see if that helps. So confused as to why it works in one game and not another and why for some tokens in that second game and not others. !Spawn{{ --name|Hezrou --Size|2,2 --qty|3 --fx|burst-smoke --placement|surround }}