For ScriptCards Object Attribute Referencing for token properties they are typically used with [*T:t- or [*S:t- or occasionally with the TokenID itself [*[&tokenIDvariable]:t-]. So typically at the top of my scriptcard I will do something like: --#sourceToken|@{selected|token_id}
--#targetToken|@{target|token_id} then you can use [*S: and [*T: respectively to access their character attributes and token properties. So in the above example you could have: --#targetToken|@{target|token_id}
--&Var|[*T:t-bar1_value] EDIT: One thing I should add is that the way Roll20 processes things. All @{} references, all ?{} references, and all %{} references are processed before the ScriptCard processes things. So you can use @ or ? to get information and set variables but ScriptCard specific things like using t- to get token properties is not going to work.