Ok, in my head this is a wall of text, though almost of half of it will be lost in translation from my thoughts to my fingertips so please bear with me. If you do not understand a part, please quote that part and I will try to explain in better detail. Note: The word is try... I work with cleaning chemicals, I'm not the most sane person. For those who do not know me yet, Hi, I'm Denathil, better referred to as Mutt. I run a campaign known as The Resurgence of the Guild. The highlight of how this campaign works is that it is designed for multiple DMs to be running different groups in the same world, each group's actions having an impact on the world the other players will experience... of course it hasn't gotten to that point but that is the overall design plan for how it is to be run. This poses a mild problem for me as the main DM. I can only prep so many maps and such as some of my DMs in Training are also players and I do not want to spoil things for them as a player (IE they launch to go work on their own map page only to see that I've set up something neat for that night's session and it spoils it for them.) I do not know how complicated it would be, but to set up a sort of Permission Mask (As of right now there are two obvious ones being GM and Player). Allowing the head GM to sort of be an admin within his own campaign (not just a forum moderator, but that's another discussion I would bring up) allowing him to set what the other GMs he promotes can and cannot do. Example Game Master/Dungeon Master(I prefer Dungeon Master, sounds better to me hehe): Admin Co-G/DM. This person has all of the permissions of the primary GM short of Deleting/Renaming the Campaign, Promoting/Demoting Players (Unless the Head DM flags them for it). Of course this was brought up in a discussion about Giving over control of a campaign to someone (which I think the response was "not at the moment" which is understandable as the person who makes it might be a Supporter/Mentor thus have features the non-subscribers don't and transferring a map with these could be an issue). Sub-DM This player Can create pages, loosely moderate the forums, alter pages but cannot delete them.  Player They get to have all the fun killing your bosses and stealing your lewts Page Masks: The head/co DM would have the ability to set certain pages as "Top Secret" and Sub-DM's not flagged for them (Similar to handout/journal flagging) cannot access them unless the Player tab is on it, and can only then see what players can see. There no major wall of text and I am almost certain I got what I mean across, now if you'll excuse me back to cleaning chemicals. Edit: For the record I would be totally ok with this being a supporter feature.