Okay, struggling like mad to get the work I've poured into my sheet to actually work right ... Starting with fonts... I've got this at the top of my css: @font-face { font-style:normal; font-weight:400; src:local('Nova Cut Book'), local('NovaCutBook-Regular'),url(<a href="http://openfontlibrary.org/assets/fonts/nova/9fea9bf34ffdc4d4c44a8502d0deb44b/705bea8a3de102e01c88119e1e36fa4e/NovaCutBook.ttf" rel="nofollow">http://openfontlibrary.org/assets/fonts/nova/9fea9bf34ffdc4d4c44a8502d0deb44b/705bea8a3de102e01c88119e1e36fa4e/NovaCutBook.ttf</a>) format('truetype'); } .charsheet .sheet-outer-div { vertical-align:top; width:100%; font-family:'Nova Cut Book'; max-width: 832px; } But, nothing happens. I just get the default font. I looked at other contributed sheets to compare what I was doing, but they all display the same problem from what I can tell. I looked specifically at Runequest and Star Frontiers plus one or two others. None of them seem to successfully use alternative fonts either. But, they ARE there in the source of the page. This works perfectly fine when I display the text in either a jsfiddle or loaded as a file:// on my laptop... I don't get it. Has *anybody* gotten this to work? Is this a known problem, or is this a security 'feature' ?