Explorer pack feeling a little lighter than makes you feel comfortable you shield your eyes from the warm sun. Real nice weather...if you didn't have to walk so damn far. The last directions you got, "Pulgrum Death? Uh...Norrrrttth ea-west...ish. 2 days". The last bit sounding more like a question than an affirmation. You thanked the suspicious "farmer" with no field or animals to tend, and decided to split the difference and go due North. Safest bet. You are a true hardened and experience adventurer an- Survival check = natural 1. Not knowing how you got north so wrong, you stand, legs trembling slightly on the cinnamon wastes. Wondering if you strayed to far North ea-westish you watch a huge, and I mean gigantic...like really big, mountain sized. Well a small mountain, being dragged millimetre by millimeter by line after line of- You turn around and walk at a not running pace in the opposite direction. Surprisingly, 2 days later you see the simple white marble layout of Pilgrims Rest ahead of you looking serene and peaceful...and unprotected from the Calling which is coming. "Greetings and Salutations" Your eyes go wide and you almost make a mess at the sudden noise. Refraining from resorting to a sudden unexplained act of violence, you turn cooly to look at the stranger. Ofcource they are hooded and mysterious. You await the omnious or overly wise speech. "A new person of interest lays eyes on Pilgrims Rest where our three current persons of interest currently..."rest". Let us take a closer look at our new person of interest and see how each of their stories intertwine". Greetings and Salutations! My name is Suraj and the group and I sense a new person of interest is about to join our wonderful campaign!  (atleast we think it is wonderful ). Basic details: Thursday 5:45pm UK Time. Weekly Game. Sessions last 2-4 hours. Discord. Voice only. The Current Plot: Our persons of interest having retrieved Bee's sisters golden star from the mountains are awaiting out the Calling in Pilgrims Rest - offering their assistance to protect against the demons that rise at the end of each month. While Thanar observes the Kobold demon hunter he contemplates their offer to make some armor from demon bone if the party help capture...and debone one, Brother Shoth focuses his mind on his demon crown. This is a pit stop on the way to the Holy City to uncover more on the subject of the false God they freed and met in the wastes. This is session 150 and the party are level 15. As you can imagine this means there is a lot of plots, backstory and main arc events that have happened . HOWEVER! Rest assured that we are all here to bring you into the fold and integrate you and your beloved character into the group and story! We can brainstorm as player and DM and player to group/player to catch you up and come up with an incredible and creative tale to have you bring a fresh new character, ideas and plots to our Roll20 Table (see how I cleverly informed you we play using Roll20 邏). This also requires someone who feels comfortable entering into a campaign, story and group that has been ongoing for a few years. Someone who is eager to dive into the plot/campaign/group and find creative ways in RP to discover/catch up and become part of the story and party in a fun way with the full support of the group ✊ About us: Range of ages from spry young mid 20s to spry young 40s with a range of experiences with RPGs. We have a focus on meaningful RP, stories and combat. With a big focus on character bonds to each other/NPCs and intricate plot. It's a campaign where everything isn't clear cut bad vs evil or this is bad, kill it. Nor is it a case of we find a plot clue then the next clue is always immediately clear, It is a story that is unravelled over time as you uncover more and more through investigation, explorations and discovery during sessions. But flows naturally and is very rewarding as DM and player when you peice it altogether after all the adventuring and hard work. The choice is up to the group what they want to pursue and how they want to go about (this makes it incredibly fun for me also not knowing which way and how the story is going to develop each session based on PC choices). Actions have consequences (But kept realistic and in the spirt of creating a compelling collaborative story) This is a horror, gritty, survival campaign. Play style varies between players, but we lean towards 'what tells a satisfying profound story' rather than 'what wins the game'. There are plenty of sub-optimal decisions being made on a daily basis Leveling is milestone but there is no real push/rush from anyone to be levelled. Ofcourse it happens in the usual way after a significant sequence is complete. Magic items are mostly rewards and story based rather than "I want x y and z". We are goofy bunch that love D&D and this campaign very dearly and are looking for the right person to add to that feeling. Who are we looking for: Respectful to all Open and effective communication Love meaningful stories and RP with fellow players/NPCs Can embrace events if they don't go their way and still make it fun and engage. A favourite mindset I heard from the group is if you engage and give your character a reason to get involved in all plots, then everything will be a "you" plot in some way - and it shines the light brighter on others backstory plot by making their plot more of a big deal without "taking away" or "giving up" the spotlight from anyone...why not all stand in the spotlight together all the time! (This probably makes more sense in my head ) Someone who is flexible, can go with the flow, and not get to caught up on minor rules, plot holes and other discrepancy. If you feel you are the 4th person of interest then drop me a message and please include the following details (but feel free to add and be as creative as you like ): 1. Name 2. Age 3. Gender 4. What you enjoy most about D&D 5. Character Concept 6. Expectations from campaign and group 7. Other genres/media/hobbies you are interested in 8.  Are you available Thursdays 5:45pm UK. Live long and prosper ☀️ P.s Yes. I know this was way to long  But care deeply for this campaign, group and whoever joins.