Hi all, Definitely having an off day today, can't seem to wrap my head around anything(quitting cold turkey from a severe nicotine habit, my head feels like an overfilled balloon). I'm trying to fancy up the 'ol scriptcard attack roll using a d20 image. The way in which I'm trying to do that is calling to a roll table, there might be a better way, open to anything. Currently, the attack roll and table roll are seperate, as I can't even think of a way to combine them, atm. Here's the current code... !scriptcard {{
--/|**********Customizable Variables***************
--&SpellName|Chill Touch
--#emoteText|[*S:character_name] Casts [*R:spellname].
--#title|[*R:spellname] [*R:innate]
--#leftsub|@{selected|character_name} (@{selected|caster_level})
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq cantrip|&spllvl;cantrip
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 1|&spllvl;1st-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 2|&spllvl;2nd-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 3|&spllvl;3rd-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 4|&spllvl;4th-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 5|&spllvl;5th-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 6|&spllvl;6th-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 7|&spllvl;7th-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 8|&spllvl;8th-level
--?[*R:spelllevel] -eq 9|&spllvl;9th-level
--#rightsub|[i][&spllvl] [*R:spellschool][/i]
--+Casting Time:|[*R:spellcastingtime]
--?"[*R:spellcomp_v]" -inc "v=1"|ENDSCV
--?"[*R:spellcomp_s]" -inc "s=1"|ENDSCS
--?"[*R:spellcomp_m]" -inc "m=1"|ENDSCM
--?"[*R:spellcomp_m]" -ninc "m=1"|[
--+Components:|[&zSCV][&zSCS][&zSCM] [&materials]
--?[$Len] -le 5|END_HV_CHECK
--+|[b][i]At Higher Levels.[/i][/b][*R:spellathigherlevels]
--=HowFar|[$HowFarAway] * 5
--?[$HowFar] -gt 120|tooFar
--/|****************DO NOT CHANGE******************
--=Attack|[$AttackRoll] + [$AttackModifier] [&AttackModifierType] + [$ProficiencyBonus] [PROF]
--+|[c][img height=100 width=100][&D20Image][/img][/c]
--+|Attack Roll:[$Attack], Base: [$AttackRoll]
--?[$AttackRoll.Base] -eq [$CritRoll]|Crit
--?[$Attack.Total] -ge [$TargetAC]|Hit
--?[$Attack.Total] -lt [$TargetAC]|Miss
--=Damage|[$DamageDice] + [$CritDice] [CRIT] + [$DamageModifier] [&AttackModifierType] + [$FeatDamage] [&FeatDamageType]
--+[#ff0000]Critical Hit[/#]| for [$Damage] [&DamageType] damage!
--@token-mod|_ids @{target|token_id} _ingore-selected _set statusmarkers|[&MarkerA]
--=Damage|[$DamageDice] + [$DamageModifier] [&AttackModifierType] + [$FeatDamage] [&FeatDamageType]
--+Hit| for [$Damage] [&DamageType] damage!
--@token-mod|_ids @{target|token_id} _ingore-selected _set statusmarkers|[&MarkerA]
--+|[f18]The attack [#ff0000]missed[/#]![/f]
--?"[*T:npc_resistances]" -inc [&DamageType]|ApplyResistance
--?"[*T:npc_immunities]" -inc [&DamageType]|ApplyImmunity
--?"[*T:npc_vulnerabilities]" -inc [&DamageType]|ApplyVulnerability
--=Resistance|[$Damage] \ 2
--*|Creature is resistant to [&DamageType] damage!
--*|Creature is immune to [&DamageType] damage!
--*|Creature is vulnerable to [&DamageType] damage!
--?"@{target|npc_type}" -inc "undead" |ApplyDisadvantage
--*|Creature is undead, and has disadvantage until the end of the players next turn!
--@token-mod|_ids @{target|token_id} _ingore-selected _set statusmarkers|[&MarkerB]
--vtoken|@{target|token_id} [&DamageFX]
--@token-mod|_ignore-selected _ids [%1%] _set bar[%2%]_value|[%3%]
--+|The target is too far away.