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Getting the message "Possible infinite loop detected, shutting down."

I have been running the same scripts for years.  It started showing this error message a few weeks ago.  I tried removing all the scripts and adding them back but it keeps occurring.  Anybody know how to fix it? 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
My assumption is that your game is quite large.  Does it happen immediately on startup, or while the script is running later? If you disable all scripts and use just this script: on('ready',()=>log('Ready Event Fired.')); Do you get the "Ready Event Fired" log output in the API Console?

Edited 1708040588
It happens immediately or within a few seconds after loading.   Even with just that small script active and all others deleted, I still get the error.  It is a large game and the campaign has been running since 2021.  I have been using the same scripts since it started,   Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your script's code and click the "Save Script" button. We will then attempt to start running the scripts again.  More info...  If this script was installed from the Mod Library, you might find help in the Community API Forum. For reference, the error message generated was:  Possible infinite loop detected, shutting down.
I am still having this issue.  I even made a whole new game and it still happens. 
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Is the new game a copy of the old game?
No.  I made a completely new campaign. 
I am also having this issue with my game.  I tried deleting all the APIs and reinstalling them. But it didn't fix the issue: the API always detects an infinite loop and shuts down, rendering them useless. 
I was told that my all my games are just too big and have too much content.  The Roll20 system is slowed down when I enter the game by the number of objects and their system automatically assumes that any slowdown is a runaway script and shuts down the whole script system.  They can't give us any exact number of how much is too much to have in a game.  It was suggested I just start deleting things until the script system starts working again.  I created a completely new game and the *same* thing happened.  I was told the brand new game is also too big.  I have been trying to reduce characters, maps, etc. but so far, the script system still refuses to run.