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Ammo in PowerCard: character controlling issue


Edited 1704359281
Hello, I'm using the Ammo Api inside some Power Cards in a game. It's a survival one, so, tracking stuff is pretty important. Problem is, everytime I use the power cards in question on a character controlled only by me or one player (not with the "all player" option), I got the " You do not control the specified character:"   message. How can I solve the issue? p.s. Please, don't say " move on to ScriptCards!". I don't have the will or the time to learn their grammar  or to change all of my "precious" PowerCards :,)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Can you post one of your simpler PowerCard commands with an Ammo command in it which is failing in that way?
Of course, here it is ( The Ammo line is bolded) : !power {{ --name| BERETTA 92 --titlefont| chiller --subtitlefont| arial narrow --txcolor|white --bgcolor|black --bodyfont| arial narrow --leftsub|@{selected|token_name} --rightsub| Pistola ~~~ -- Occultabilità| J ~~~ -- ATTACK| [[ [$Atk] 1d10! +?{Modificatore TXC [Azioni aggiuntive (-4), Mirare (-4), ecc...]|0} + @{Selected|Ref} + @{Selected|repeating_reflexskills_$2_OtherReflex_Skill} + 0]] --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? |[***FUMBLE!***](!&amp;#13;#fumblearma) ~~~ -- RANGE| --api_rangep| @{selected|token_id} and @{target|token_id} --Close (15)| *13 m* --Medium (20)| *25 m* --Long (25)| *50 m* --Extreme (30)|*100 m* ~~~ --Hit Location| ?{Hai mirato?|NO, [[ [$R] 1d10]]|Testa, [[ [$R] 1d0+1]]|Tronco, [[ [$R] 1d0+2]]|Braccio Destro, [[ [$R] 1d0+5]]|Braccio Sinistro,[[ [$R] 1d0+6]]|Gamba Destra, [[ [$R] 1d0+9]]|Gamba Sinistra, [[ [$R] 1d0+8]]} --?? $R == 10?? Body Part| Gamba Destra @{target|Rleg_base} --?? $R == 9?? Body Part| Gamba Destra @{target|Rleg_base} --?? $R == 8?? Body Part| Gamba Sinistra @{target|Lleg_base} --?? $R == 7?? Body Part| Gamba Sinistra @{target|Lleg_base} --?? $R == 6?? Body Part| Braccio Sinistro @{target|Larm_base} --?? $R == 5?? Body Part| Braccio Destro @{target|Rarm_base} --?? $R == 4?? Body Part| Tronco @{target|Torso_base} --?? $R == 3?? Body Part| Tronco @{target|Torso_base} --?? $R == 2?? Body Part| Tronco @{target|Torso_base} --?? $R == 1?? Body Part| Testa @{target|Head_base} -- Valori| *Leggero * (fino a 9) ; *Medio-Pesante* (10-25) ~~~ --?? $R &gt; 1 ??DAMAGE| [[2d6+2]] ~~~ --?? $R == 1?? DAMAGE| [[4D6+4]] **HEADSHOT!** ~~~ --Cartuccia| [[@{selected|beretta92bullet}]]/[[@{selected|beretta92bullet|max}]] --!Buttons|[Reload](~Armi|Reload_beretta92) ~~~ --DESCRIPTION| -- -Dual Wield:| Se impugnata con un'altra arma ad una mano, **-2** TXC (stesso target) or **-4** attack (diverso target) ~~~ --!showpic|[x](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) --api_ammo| @{selected|character_id} beretta92bullet -1 proiettili caricati pistola Beretta 92 --soundfx *1|_audio,play,nomenu|pistolabig --?? $Atk.base == 1 ?? soundfx *1|_audio,play,nomenu|cilecca }}
Reup. No one can help me?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Oh, sorry for the delay.&nbsp; If you try the ammo command by itself: !ammo @{selected|character_id} beretta92bullet -1 proiettili caricati pistola Beretta 92 Does it work? What is the result of checking the attribute: @{selected|beretta92bullet}

Edited 1709471603
Yes, the command by itself works. Also the attribute exists and shows in chat. But I have the control issue message anytime I use the ammo command inside PowerCards with a character controlled only by the master/one player. No matter which attribute I'm trying to modify.
Re-up... up?
Well, Re-up-up-up