Ok - so I'm wanting to inline roll a table in API. I can "/roll 1t[whatever]" but that gives wonky output in the chat window.
To further complicate things, I'd like to include the inline roll result in fancy formatted box:
Ultimate goal is a really basic weather script that has VERY generic temp generation and a daily weather forecast (implementing fancy icons for the weather result is also on my list).
So far I've got temperatures for 4 seasons of a more-or-less temperate climate. Might think about adding the ability to differentiate on climate later. Here's the code:
To further complicate things, I'd like to include the inline roll result in fancy formatted box:
Ultimate goal is a really basic weather script that has VERY generic temp generation and a daily weather forecast (implementing fancy icons for the weather result is also on my list).
So far I've got temperatures for 4 seasons of a more-or-less temperate climate. Might think about adding the ability to differentiate on climate later. Here's the code:
on('chat:message', function (msg) { var range, min; if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!summer') !== -1) { range = 55; min = 60 var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min; sendChat( '', "/direct " +"<div style='" +'background-color: #4B0082;' +'border: 3px solid #808080;' +'font-size: 20px;' +'text-align:center;' +'vertical-align: top;' +'color: white;' +'font-weight:bold;' +'padding: 5px 5px;' +"'>" +"The current temperature is: "+x+" degrees" +"</div>" ); } if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!winter') !== -1) { range = 55; min = -20 var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min; sendChat( '', "/direct " +"<div style='" +'background-color: #4B0082;' +'border: 3px solid #808080;' +'font-size: 20px;' +'text-align:center;' +'vertical-align: top;' +'color: white;' +'font-weight:bold;' +'padding: 5px 5px;' +"'>" +"The current temperature is: "+x+" degrees" +"</div>" ); } if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!fall') !== -1) { range = 40; min = 30 var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min; sendChat( '', "/direct " +"<div style='" +'background-color: #4B0082;' +'border: 3px solid #808080;' +'font-size: 20px;' +'text-align:center;' +'vertical-align: top;' +'color: white;' +'font-weight:bold;' +'padding: 5px 5px;' +"'>" +"The current temperature is: "+x+" degrees" +"</div>" ); } if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!spring') !== -1) { range = 40; min = 30 var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + min; sendChat( '', "/direct " +"<div style='" +'background-color: #4B0082;' +'border: 3px solid #808080;' +'font-size: 20px;' +'text-align:center;' +'vertical-align: top;' +'color: white;' +'font-weight:bold;' +'padding: 5px 5px;' +"'>" +"The current temperature is: "+x+" degrees" +"</div>" ); } } );