First, let me confess I know next to nothing about scripting. I'm trying to display the results in chat for a the following macro: !rt [Delimiter:BR] /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Random Treasure}}{{description=?{Choose|10gp Gemstones,[[1t[10gp-Gemstones]]]|50gp Gemstones,[[1t[50gp-Gemstones]]]|100gp Gemstones,[[1t[100gp-Gemstones]]]|500gp Gemstones,[[1t[500gp-Gemstones]]]|1000gp Gemstones,[[1t[1000gp-Gemstones]]]|5000gp Gemstones,[[1t[5000gp-Gemstones]]]|25gp Art Objects,[[1t[25gp-Art-Objects]]]|250gp Art Objects,[[1t[250gp-Art-Objects]]]|750gp Art Objects,[[1t[750gp-Art-Objects]]]|2500gp Art Objects,[[1t[2500gp-Art-Objects]]]|7500gp Art Objects,[[1t[7500gp-Art-Objects]]]|Individual Treasure Tier I,[[1t[Individual-Treasure-Tier-I]]]|Individual Treasure Tier II,[[1t[Individual-Treasure-Tier-II]]]|Individual Treasure Tier III,[[1t[Individual-Treasure-Tier-III]]]|Individual Treasure Tier IV,[[1t[Individual-Treasure-Tier-IV]]]|Treasure Horde Tier I,[[1t[Treasure-Horde-Tier-I]]]|Treasure Horde Tier II,[[1t[Treasure-Horde-Tier-II]]]|Treasure Horde Tier III,[[1t[Treasure-Horde-Tier-III]]]|Treasure Horde Tier IV,[[1t[Treasure-Horde-Tier-IV]]]} }} Everything works just fine when I call from the Treasure Horde Tier I Table which has, for example the following macro inside the table: [[6d6*100]] Copper pieces [[3d6*100]] Silver pieces [[2d6*10]] Gold pieces [[ [[2d6]]t[50gp-Gemstones] ]] 50gp Gemstones [[ [[1d6]]t[Magic-Item-Table-A] ]] Magic Items Except that what it displays in the chat is incomplete, because when I hover over the results for 50gp gemstones as you can see there are 7 more gemstones listed as an outcome on the roll, but not displayed in chat. What am I doing wrong here and how can I get everything to display in chat?