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Cannot copy any games

DM Steve
Marketplace Creator
I still cannot copy any games - When I try to, it brings up this error message: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And it makes another game with the same title but with no content - As if I clicked "new game". The game I'm trying to copy is up to date and I'm using Chrome.

Edited 1708642615
Forum Champion
Hi DM Steve,&nbsp; I just tested and I was able to copy a game. I suggest trying to clear cookies and cache, and try using a Private tab.&nbsp; If that doesn't help I suggest filing a bug report with the Devs via the&nbsp; Help Center .&nbsp;
DM Steve
Marketplace Creator
Yeah I'll have to file another bug report - Clearing the cache n all that hasn't worked.&nbsp; This is a pretty big problem because I run one shots by copying over a master copy - I can't run my game if I can't copy it :\