Hoy! I am looking for 1 to 2 players of a high fantasy 5E game that takes place weekly via discord call (we do not use video). It is a high powered game, and I edit monsters to fit the scenario for my character, as well as have some home rules that cancel out some of the system rules. I prefer Rule of Cool versus that of a Rule's Lawyer, and will give others a chance to state their case to better tell a collective story that is orchestrated by me and reacted to by my players. I am not an Us versus the DM kinda person, I feel like randomly killing my players is distasteful and does not leave the story with a cohesive ending. That being said, once I make a call there is no more debate about it. I am keen on receiving player reviews and when I do receive them, I talk with everyone and see what is the best way to adjust the game going forward. My game is role-play heavy and can go games without combat. My cons, however, is I don't work on explicit details before game, I find that leads me to railroading and people don't tend to enjoy those games as much, so I have a tendency to pause a slight bit before combat to make sure my things are in order. I also make it rain, whether it be loot, NPCs, information, or etc. There is a lot to keep up with but because it is not all written down, I do not withhold information that you have forgotten over time. I do have a loot list, an NPC list, and other resources to help keep my game organized. If this sounds up your alley, the game takes place in Spiro'est, the material plane of this world. After the sudden death of many of the Apostles to the Gods, the main party (any potentially your character) were sent on a quest to earn the title of the new Apostles (think High Priest). But that journey has shed light on the Gods, unveiled a dastardly plan concocted in revenge over hundreds of years, and transformed the the current players into temporary (or maybe not) Gods. There is city building, world saving, and much, much more. This campaign has been going on for a few months now, but if you are chosen, you will be brought up to speed. I do require people to play well with one another, inter player conflict is not allowed, and inter party conflict has dire consequences. Can you help save the material realm? Bonus, tell me of the character build that you would like to try out! I do not allow mystics, but other than that, I will look at homebrew classes and races if it fits in my world!