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Questions About Jukebox API

Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hi All, I’ve just finished writing a ‘Slideshow’ API script that allows automating of fading in/out multiple shapes (path objects) and text to do scripted reveals of pages for intro sequences, showing hidden writing etc. It uses async Promises and awaits and works nicely. It can also execute other macros as part of the sequence so I can fade in/out audio simultaneously for example. The problems I’m having are: 1) playJukeboxPlaylist (and stop) don’t seem to work, are these deprecated? 2) I wrote my own track fade in/out stop/start (I know there are API scripts out there that do this, but wanted to try for myself ;-) BUT if the track had already been played partially then it always starts from that point, eg halfway through… Is there a way with the API to ‘reset’ a track to the beginning? I’ve tried messing with the ‘softstop’ track attribute but it doesn’t seem to make a difference… Any thoughts? Regards, ~ Coryphon ~
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Right now, there isn't a way for the API to set the location for playback.   That looks like something that could be added pretty easily as a percentage, which would at least let you rewind/fast-forward tracks.  I don't see where the length of a track is exposed to the API as yet, but I might be able to add that in future iterations.

Edited 1709056535
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
The Aaron said: Right now, there isn't a way for the API to set the location for playback.   That looks like something that could be added pretty easily as a percentage, which would at least let you rewind/fast-forward tracks.  I don't see where the length of a track is exposed to the API as yet, but I might be able to add that in future iterations. Thanks The Aaron… With respect to my first point ( playJukeboxPlaylist), should these functions work do u know…? ~ C ~
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Coryphon! Out of curiosity, are you planning on publishing that script when it is done? It sounds very interesting.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Play and stop should both work.

Edited 1709149760
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
keithcurtis said: Hi Coryphon! Out of curiosity, are you planning on publishing that script when it is done? It sounds very interesting. I can certainly look to do that, needs tidying ;-) Thanks for the interest, ~ C ~
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Look at Roll20AM for managing tracks.  Also, it's not possible to go back to a spot in the track.  Roll20 doesn't provide that info (or least didn't when Roll20AM was written).