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Issues with Fetch mod

Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
Greetings DMs. I was following Nick Olivo's video on animating Bardic Inspiration and he uses, among other things the Fetch. Mod. I have installed all the mods, and it seemed to install correctly but Fetch is not doing anything for me in game.  "ŦŦ Fetch v2.0.9, 2023/8/4 ŦŦ -- offset 32619" In the video he has us run !fetchconfig and then !fetchconfig +playerscanids Neither command does anything. This is the first time I've run into this kind of issue with a mod.  What am I missing? 
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
I'm not 100% convinced this is limited to Fetch. I also installed the beyond script that's supposed to allow you to import dndbeyond characters into roll20. It has a --config command that's supposed to display a config menu in chat and that isn't working either. I'm wondering if one of the scripts above is breaking something so that config commands no longer display in chat?
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
Some more info, trapmaker works so not everything is broken. Here's the log from when I restart my sandbox. Restarting sandbox by user request... No existing sandbox found. Preparing sandbox to start on game activity. Spinning up new sandbox... "It's A Trap!: Registered TrapTheme - default." "Loading character sheet data..." "Starting webworker script..." "Loading 1095 translation strings to worker..." "Starting webworker script..." "Loading 1095 translation strings to worker..." "Starting webworker script..." "Loading 1095 translation strings to worker..." "%cRoll20 Kingmaker Module log| kScaffold Loaded" "Roll20 Environment: Web" "It's A Trap!: Registered TrapTheme - 5E-Generic." "D&D 5E trap theme - auto-detected character sheet: roll20" "-=> Roll20AM v2.15 <=- [Wed Apr 05 2017 00:26:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" " > Updating Schema to v2.02 <" " >Help handout updated<" "-=> TokenMod v0.8.78 <=- [Mon Nov 20 2023 19:49:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "StatusInfo Ready! Command: !condition" "-=> Bump v0.2.27 <=- [Wed Dec 14 2022 17:45:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "-=> DoorKnocker v1.301 <=- [Fri Dec 16 2022 06:33:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "-=> Search v0.1.3 <=- [Wed Mar 22 2023 19:18:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "Load Corpus: 0/50890..." "-=> Dungeon Alchemist importer, version 0.0.9" " > Updated Help Handout to v0.0.9 <" "--- Initialized Carry Tokens ---" "-=> PathToWindowOrDoor v1 <=- [Fri Dec 16 2022 03:27:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "-=> EncounterHelper v1.2 <=-" "-=> GroupInitiative v0.9.36 <=- [Thu Feb 03 2022 01:42:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "-=> Dynamic_Light_Helper v2 <=- [Mon Oct 17 2016 13:50:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" " > Refreshing stored values <" "-=> '!Dynamic_Light_Helper showhelp' <=-" "-=>HealthColors v1.6.1 [Updated: Aug 20 2020]<=-" "-=> TurnMarker v1.3.12 <=- [Thu Feb 03 2022 02:35:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" "-=> ChatSetAttr v1.10 <=-" "ScriptCards: 3 Templates loaded" "ScriptCards Triggers could not find character named \"ScriptCards_Triggers\"" "-=> ScriptCards - 2.6.2c by Kurt Jaegers Ready <=- Meta Offset : 25228" "checkLightLevel v0.5.0" "-=> libTokenMarkers v0.1.2 <=- [Sun Jan 09 2022 18:47:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]" " > Loaded 55 Token Markers." "ŦŦ Messenger v1.0.1, 2023/5/4 ŦŦ -- offset 31978" " _____________________________________________ )_________________________________________( )_____________________________________( ___| |_______________| |___ |___ _______________ ___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ______________|_|_______________|_|_______________ " "ŦŦ Fetch v2.0.9, 2023/8/4 ŦŦ -- offset 32619" "BeyondImporter Ready! Command: !beyond" "--- Initialized It's A Trap! v3.13.1, using theme '5E-Generic' ---" "Load Corpus: 1000/50890... (2.91 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 2000/50890... (4.40 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 3000/50890... (5.61 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 4000/50890... (6.86 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 5000/50890... (8.06 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 6000/50890... (9.26 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 7000/50890... (10.43 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 8000/50890... (11.99 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 9000/50890... (13.22 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 10000/50890... (14.43 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 11000/50890... (15.66 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 12000/50890... (16.83 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 13000/50890... (18.02 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 14000/50890... (19.20 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 15000/50890... (20.39 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 16000/50890... (21.55 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 17000/50890... (22.70 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 18000/50890... (23.85 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 19000/50890... (25.02 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 20000/50890... (26.24 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 21000/50890... (27.47 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 22000/50890... (28.67 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 23000/50890... (29.86 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 24000/50890... (31.04 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 25000/50890... (32.20 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 26000/50890... (33.38 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 27000/50890... (34.53 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 28000/50890... (35.70 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 29000/50890... (36.83 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 30000/50890... (38.02 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 31000/50890... (39.22 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 32000/50890... (40.42 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 33000/50890... (41.62 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 34000/50890... (42.81 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 35000/50890... (43.98 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 36000/50890... (45.15 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 37000/50890... (46.34 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 38000/50890... (47.49 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 39000/50890... (48.68 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 40000/50890... (49.83 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 41000/50890... (50.99 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 42000/50890... (52.21 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 43000/50890... (53.44 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 44000/50890... (54.71 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 45000/50890... (55.89 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 46000/50890... (57.04 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 47000/50890... (58.20 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 48000/50890... (59.33 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 49000/50890... (60.44 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 50000/50890... (61.57 seconds)" "Load Corpus: 50890/50890... (62.56 seconds)" "Updating IDF values for 20460 terms." "Corpus ready after 62.60 seconds."
API Scripter
Hmm... let's see what works and what doesn't. Can you run these series of commands and report back what you get? First select a token, then run these in order... !ZeroFrame is working.{&simple} !The token is named @(selected.token_name){&simple} !&{template:default}{{name=Token Review for @(selected.token_name)}}{{Token ID=@(selected.token_id)}}{{Token Top=@(}}{{Token Left=@(selected.left)}}{&simple}
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
What was supposed to happen? I selected a token and ran all three commands in order and I see no indication that anything happened. 
Is your Mod (API) sandbox window open? Do you see any errors in the sandbox window? Have you tried restarting your scripts? Also make sure to refresh the window/page itself in case there’s a silent crash. 
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
I've restarted the sandbox several times. Not seeing any errors, either in the Mod Output Console or in-game. Refreshed the game page and tried again and still not seeing anything in chat when I run those command. If I press the up-arrow, I see the commands I've already run. 
Just to check on some other Mods, I see you have ScriptCards installed so if you run: !script {{ }} Do you get any output in chat? Also for at least some of timmaugh's examples you'd also need ZeroFrame mod installed which I don't see installed so it doesn't seem like you did the whole of the Meta-Script toolbox. Perhaps try installing ZeroFrame and run timmaugh's examples again.
API Scripter
Joshua N. said: Just to check on some other Mods, I see you have ScriptCards installed so if you run: !script {{ }} Do you get any output in chat? Also for at least some of timmaugh's examples you'd also need ZeroFrame mod installed which I don't see installed so it doesn't seem like you did the whole of the Meta-Script toolbox. Perhaps try installing ZeroFrame and run timmaugh's examples again. OMG, you're right. I just took a quick glance at the installed scripts and thought I saw ZeroFrame. Midnite, if you install the MetaScriptToolbox and run my examples you should see outputs like this: Statement 1 !ZeroFrame is working.{&simple} Statement 2 !The token is named @(selected.token_name){&simple} Statement 3 !&{template:default}{{name=Token Review for @(selected.token_name)}}{{Token ID=@(selected.token_id)}}{{Token Top=@(}}{{Token Left=@(selected.left)}}{&simple}
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
the script cards command worked as did all 3 of    timmaugh's examples. But !fetchconfig still doesn't do anything and neither does !beyond --config.
Hmm. So the mods work ok normally but fetching from the state doesn't? Can you test with another mod you have? !token-mod --config Perhaps something corrupted the state in your game? Just guessing here.
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
That also did nothing. But token mod itself works because I have buttons that toggle things like Concentation, Prone, Stunned, etc. 
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
this macro not only toggled the status marker but also displayed the card in chat !token-mod --ids @{selected|token_id} --set statusmarkers#!fist|Stunned
Perhaps one of the more experience folks will chime in about state and possible corruption but I suspect that your state is corrupted. Might be worth trying to make a copy of that game and then testing one of the mods in the copy to see if they work in the copy.
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
Copying game now and I'll test that theory. 
API Scripter
If copying the game doesn't work, feel free to DM me with an invite and I'll jump in to see if I can figure out what is going on.
Midnite Oil
Marketplace Creator
It didn't work. What days/times work best for you to jump on a call?