I'm currently converting a set of skirmish rules to roll20, when taking a shot there are various questions that are asked, currently doing it in scriptcards like this --=AttackRoll|1d10 + ?{Aiming|No, 0|Yes, 1} + ?{Lily-Livered|No, 0|Yes, -1} + ?{Target in partial cover|No, 0|Yes, -1} + ?{Target in hard cover|No, 0|Yes, -2} + ?{Firer mounted|No, 0|Yes, -2} + ?{Target Stealthy|No, 0|Yes, -1} which is fine as far as it goes, but, it presents each question individually (and there are a few more to add), is there a way to have a single dialog type popup which allows a user to tick the options which apply to the attack and then submit and return a single figure representing the sum of each modifier?