If you want to share the sheet with other people, you have two choices: Add it to the roll20 repo, in which case it is accessible to everyone. This means you;ll have to learn how to use github, and also check if your sheet fits the requirements. Tell people you have a custim sheet and provide a link where they can download it. Anyone with a Pro subscription (and only those with a Pro subscription) can then load it. Assuming you want to add it to the repo: Is the sheet for a custom rules set, and are those rules pubklically available? These kinds of sheet are nearly always accepted. If its a sheet for an existing game, does a community sheet for that game already exist? Should your sheet replace the ecxisting sheet? This is iffier but still possible. The roll20 devs may have some questions first. Does your sheet use tables (the HTML element TABLE)? if so the sheet will always be rejected. You can find a guide to uploaidng to the repo oon the roll20 wiki (don't know the page) and also here: <a href="https://cybersphere.me/publishing-sheets-to-github/" rel="nofollow">https://cybersphere.me/publishing-sheets-to-github/</a> (It's possible that the process has changed so some steps might need to be tweaked, but thhis should get you started). If you plan to update your sheet, this page might help: <a href="https://cybersphere.me/roll20-sheet-author-master-list/" rel="nofollow">https://cybersphere.me/roll20-sheet-author-master-list/</a>