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LFG Search: Add inverse search criteria option

It's something that most search engines already feature, and something I wish I could use on this site's LFG listings. Basically, an option that says "don't include listings for any of these games." I'm always open to new game ideas, but when I do an unfiltered search it's cluttered with tons of D&D 5e games which is one of the games I know I'm not interested in playing. I don't want to get all political about it, since this isn't the place for that, but it would be really nice if I could filter out all the 5e (and Call of Cthulhu) listings so I could find a game I might actually be interested in.

Edited 1707820226
Good idea, I to hardly ever play D&D and have no need of the avalanche of stuff cluttering up my searches.
Marketplace Creator
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