Heya =D I made a macro which functions as a constant advantage roller for compression of queries, but am wondering how to make it visually display both rolls as if I had Toggled Advantage and then ran a hit roll Here is what I have so far which works only functionally (replacing kh1 w/ kl1 to swap between Adv and disadv) &{template:atk} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=[WeaponName](~-123456789_1234567|repeating_attack_-attack_macro)}} {{rnamec=[WeaponName](~-123456789_1234567|repeating_attack_-attack_macro_crit)}} {{r1=[[2d20cs>20kh1 + @{strength_mod} + @{pb}-5]]}} @{my_char_name|rtype}cs>20kh1 + @{strength_mod} + @{pb}-5}} {{range=5ft}} Any suggestions?