In attack rolls, you usually see things like {{rname=[Weapon Name](~-123456789_123456|weapon_damage_roll)}} that highlight a clickable button within the attack roll in the chat area to call for the weapons damage roll. I don't like using ID's as it's tedious, and god forbid using nested query macros with an ID that contains HTML Entity necessities. I learned that I can instead use (~my_char_name|weapon_damage_roll) instead, which helps alleviate that issue. Now, newly, I have discovered that instead of that, I can simply use (~selected|weapon_damage_roll), as well as call macros via %{selected|ability_macro} My question is, what are some of the implications and possible issues in replacing IDs/Names with "selected"? Are there any? I imagine that a pro to this is Portability among character sheets, but how does "selected" actually work here? Does it read the name of the sheet it is being ran from and append itself with said character data? Does it attempt to run the chosen macro using the data from a token that is currently selected? Are there any ways for me to mess this up by using this in place of actual char names? I am making a macro for Artificer's Artillerist subclass for Sentry Actions (Spawn, Despawn, Activate, Detonate), and am working on the Activation macros - I have made it so the Flamethrower NPC has a macro for its damage rolls, but in my Sentry Action macro (which is on my characters sheet), if I were to run "Sentry Action, Activate Sentry, Flamethrower", it would run an attack roll which would then call upon the Damage Roll Macro found within the NPC's sheet. Question there being, would using ((rname=[Flamethrower](~selected|Flamethrower_damage_roll) look for %{Flamethrower_damage_roll} on my character sheet, or the flamethrower NPC's? Is that how it works? Edit - I just realized that the whole time i was testing this, I had my characters token highlighted (probably to enter my sheet) De-selecting the token made rolls using "selected" not work, which tells me that it is indeed based on the token you select. That is pretty neat and I can see that being very good for GM's or Players using multiple characters. Are there any alternatives to this that only take the names of the character sheet they are on? Something both Portable yet not requiring token selection?