vÍnce said: Dorian said: I mostly wanted it for setting up repeating features to token bars afterall so if that still works at least I'll be happy I guess. I did scratch my head after reading that line yesterday. Just assumed I wasn't understanding what you were wanting to do. AFAIK, there is no way to link repeating attributes to the token bars. Mod or not. ;-( I mean... you cooooould... *sucks in a lungful of air* *delivers metascript solution in speed-monologue-form* ...that could, at least, approximate it. *fills now-empty lungs, again* Full disclosure, that metascript solution would be setting up any character you wanted to have this token-bar/repeating-attribute connection so that it had a way of letting us identify associated tokens as representing as such a character. Let's say, a new attribute called "metalink1" for bar1, and so forth for the other 2. Only present if tokens representing that character should have that specific bar update using a repeating item from the same sheet. That (or those) attribute(s) would be filled with a way to identify the repeating attribute to use... in Fetch format. That could be as an attribute using the full attribute name: @(selected.repeating_ludicrosity_-M1234567890abcdef_ludipoints) Or as a repeating attribute retrieval: *(selected.ludicrosity.$0.ludipoints) *(selected.ludicrosity.[name = "Kale Lobber"].ludipoints) Then a GM could set up an OnMyTurn macro to run every time the Turn Tracker advances that would make use of SelectManager to select all the tokens on the page which have one of these "metalink" attributes, then issues a forselected call against them. The forselected call would iterate over the selected tokens and, itself, issue a TokenMod call to update any bar that had an associated metalink attribute to the value of the attribute listed *in* that associated metalink attribute. So while it wouldn't be "instantaneous", it would at least update every time the turn advanced. I think that brings our running list of necessary scripts to: OnMyTurn TokenMod SelectManager Fetch APILogic ZeroFrame (all of the last three are a part of the MetaScriptToolbox, of course)