Hello all you lovely people of the internet. I tried editing and customizing an API that I found in a post, and for some reason it doesn't always register that it's working. Here's the code const layerToMove = 'gmlayer'; //map,gmlayer const statusToSet = 'status_dead'; const playerStatusToSet = 'status_skull'; const bolLayerMoveOnDeath = true; //true,false let barToCheck = 'bar1_value'; //bar1_value,bar2_value,bar3_value let acceptedValues = ['bar1_value', 'bar2_value', 'bar3_value']; on('chat:message', function (msg) { if (msg.type == 'api' && msg.content.indexOf('!SetHealthBar') !== -1) { var message = msg.content.split(' ')[1]; if (acceptedValues.includes(message)) { barToCheck = message; log('Set Health bar value changed to ' + message); } } }); on('change:graphic:' + barToCheck, function(obj, prev) { //log('MoveDeadToGMLayer Checking: ' + barToCheck + ' event on object ' + obj.get('name')); if (obj.get('_pageid') == Campaign().get('playerpageid') && obj.get('_subtype') == 'token' && obj.get(barToCheck) < 1 && prev[barToCheck] > 0 ) { var players=obj.get('controlledby').split(/,/); if(obj.get('represents') != '') { var represent = getObj("character", obj.get("represents")); var characters = represent.get('controlledby').split(/,/); if(players[0] == '' && characters[0] == '') { obj.set(statusToSet, true); } else { obj.set(playerStatusToSet,true); sendChat('',obj.get('name') + " is dying!"); } } } if (obj.get('_pageid') == Campaign().get('playerpageid') && obj.get('_subtype') == 'token' && obj.get(barToCheck) <= obj.get(barToCheck.replace("value", "max")) / 2) { obj.set("tint_color", '#ff0000'); } else { obj.set("tint_color", 'transparent'); } if ((obj.get('_pageid') == Campaign().get('playerpageid') && obj.get('_subtype') == 'token' && obj.get(barToCheck) > 0) ) { obj.set(statusToSet, false); obj.set(playerStatusToSet, false); } }); Again, I'm not the one who made the original code, and I'm not sure who originally posted this as I lost the information, but I'd really appreciate any help in getting this to run consistently. Thank you!