Hi Shin! I know you had PM'd me, but I'm responding here, to keep the conversation more coherent (for me), and to help anyone else who might be having a problem. I have created a brand new game, pasting the custom code in from the Github repo. I have attached a screenshot below; everything looks as expected. You said: Seems like copying the html only copies the raw code, which means I could not properly paste it in there. Is there any way to get through this problem? But I'm not sure what you mean here. If you open the html file in github by clicking the raw button, you will get the raw (text-only) code. That is what you copy and paste. There are only two lines, the html div, and the code block. The code is compressed, which includes stripping any carriage returns. If you can describe a little more about what is not working, that might help. Make sure you have darkmode turned off (Shaped was developed before DM), and that you are not creating the game under Jumpgate. Also, sticking to the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox and avoiding a tablet interface would be preferable. I would also suggest clicking the option to use legacy sanitization. It's an old sheet. A word of caution: you have said that you have no experience in coding. The Shaped sheet is one of the most complex sheets created for Roll20. It is not a great sheet for a novice to learn on. If you can describe what you are trying to change, some of the more experienced sheet creators may be able to point you in the right direction. It is certainly far beyond my skill set. In the screenshot below, I have dragged in an Axe Beak from the Monster Manual, and transmogrifed in a PC sheet from an older game in which I still used the Shaped Sheet. Everything looks as expected. Can you describe what you are seeing that looks wrong?