Well, that didn't work quite as well as I hoped. See, I'm not looking to roll ( floor(@{stun}/@{paintolerance}) +floor(@{physical}/@{paintolerance}) )d6>5, I'm actually looking to subtract that from a dice pool. The whole macro looks a bit more like this: /r ( @{attribute} +@{skill} +?{modifiers} -( (@{stun}/@{paintolerance}) +(@{physical}/@{paintolerance}) ) )d6k@{accuracy} After what you posted I thought I'd get away with the following change: [[ ( @{attribute} +@{skill} +?{modifiers} -( [[ (@{stun}/@{paintolerance} -0.5) d1>1]] + [[ (@{physical}/@{paintolerance} -0.5 ) d1>1 ]] )d6k@{accuracy} ]] Was trying for a boolean arrangement with the (x-0.5)d1>1, turns out it doesn't like nested brackets though, and without them it becomes: [[ ( @{attribute} +@{skill} +?{modifiers} -( (@{stun}+@physical)/@{paintolerance} -1) )d6k@{accuracy} ]] Shadowrun is a complicated system. Really big dicepools, lots of modifiers, and 3 rolls for every combat action. One roll to hit a target, one roll by the target to avoid being hit, and another roll to reduce the damage of being hit. It's satisfying to play, but combat can chug for hours with everyone trying to add/subtract the appropriate modifiers from three different dice pools with every turn. I have a macro that'll do most of the work with two clicks and an input prompt, but the math is messy and fills the chatbox. So, while I was hoping to hide everything inside an inline value, it's not strictly necessary. Still, I really appreciate you're taking the time to help!