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Character Sheet Requests

If anyone has the time and inclination, I'd love to see a Shadow of the Weird Wizard character sheet! Thanks!
Greetings, everyone. I'm here to request a minor change in the Iron Kingdoms RPG sheet, which has a small problem.  I have already talked with the author, but he does not intend to change it. I was actually willing to do it myself since I have some basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS, but then  just discovered that the pro subscription is needed. To summarize my request, it is just about adding just one more line of three already existing life markers in the life spiral of the system, since the way the author made them, the last markers work only as switches to indicate a whole column marked, not individual ones, as they kind of should be. If you're interested in taking this request, please dm me, and I would gladly explain the whole thing. Thanks for reading this far :)
Silver Direwolf said: Anything started for Werewolf 5th Edition?? Would love some sheets for that game!! Waiting awhile now. Lots of folks making the request on this link: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I know it's months old but I'll +1 this.
SHEET REQUEST: THE RIDDLE OF STEEL The Riddle of Steel is an extremely interesting ttrpg, with a heavy focus on in depth and realistic melee combat. One issue with the game &nbsp; is that when attacking, there is a lot of cross referencing tables requires, so if attacking could be automated in a roll20 that would help a lot with the game flow. The system itself uses a d10 dice pool system, where you roll a number of d10s against a target number, checking how many passed. Outside of combat the game is much simpler, which gives a nice balance of complexity in combat, but ease of use outside of it. The game also has a really cool system, where instead of having predefined spells for magic users, depending on how skilled you are, you get to create your own spells. DIGITAL SHEET : Here is a link to where you can download a digital character sheet for the game.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> RPG DOWNLOAD : Because of the complexity of the fighting mechanics, there is not a good way to summarise what would be needed. Here is a link to where you can download the game, to learn the rules.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Any chance of&nbsp; a Harnmaster Gold character sheet creation?

Edited 1714487881
Hey Guys! I'd love to play the Hogwarts RPG powered by the apocolypse, but it isn't available on Roll20. Is anyone capable to programm the following charaktersheet? It would be a blast! Thanks so much! Full Game:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Stephen C. said: FiveBlinkLegion said: Star Trek Adventures The character sheet for starship registry lists Systems (Attributes) in the wrong order. It may seem minor, but it is needlessly confusing and grating. The correct order needs to be: Comms Engines Structure Computers Sensors Weapons There are two Star Trek Adventures sheets. One by Roll20, and one uh... not by Roll20. I changed the one that's not by Roll20, but I'll have to check about the "by Roll20" one. EDIT: The "by Roll20" one is not something that I have the power to change. Thank you!
Arcane Arcade has made a fallout ttrpg so I was wondering whether we could include these character sheets in the VTT, it's, in my opinion, better than the current fallout ttrpg available in roll 20. The character sheet can be found here
I am looking for Timothy Yuen who made a Star wars FFG .&nbsp; I hoping it can be updated with a Vehicle and Ships page.&nbsp;
Yes I would love love love a custom character sheet from the Arcane Arcade fallout system. I know people have already asked but I just want to add into that pile of requests.&nbsp;
I'm starting up a homebrew campaign, and I could use a custom character sheet. I don't have the skills to make one. What would be the process of asking a forum member to make me one, and what would appropriate compensation be? I have no idea what it costs to get someone to do something like that.&nbsp; In terms of complexity, I'm looking to add some character traits, and change the proficiencies table so that it's editable. I'd like to be able to add as many proficiencies as I'd like, and to set them individually (so that rather than a character having a set blanket proficiency, they might have +5 in swordsmanship, but nothing in history).&nbsp; Thanks for any help.&nbsp;
Long shot, but is anyone able to get a Goblin Slayer TRPG character sheet going <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1715609836
SHIVER RPG - It would be great to have a character for this system&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The game is currently not listed that I could find in the requests or on Roll20.
Looking for EZD6 character sheet for the Wasted World setting.&nbsp; There is an EZD6 character sheet for the original fantasy setting to adjust that for Wasted World would take only a couple minor changes.&nbsp; Please and Thank You to the great development community here.&nbsp;
I'd be interested in seeing the Delvebound character sheets used by the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Tabletop Roleplaying Game (UESTRPG), which can be downloaded from the related website. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I looked and did'nt find any Honor and Intrigue character sheet. If a person is interested in creating one, I'm ready to compensate the effort. Thx and keep the dice rolling !
Hunter: The Reckoning 5th edition! The game has been released in October 2021, and uses the same mechanics as Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition. It's mostly the matter of renaming a few lines, and creating some new graphics for buttons and dice - much easier than making everything from scratch. It would be really cool if such a sheet could be made for the platform on the basis of the current v5 from roll20.
+1 Hunter the Reckoning 5th Edition +1 Werewolf the Apocalypse 5th Edition
There's a small indie TTRPG called Perils and Princesses that I'd love to run for friends on Roll20, so this is a shot in the dark toward that as I have no sheet coding skill or knowledge. The game has a free quickstart pdf set including a printable and a fill-in character sheet on its main site here if that would help; otherwise, I've taken screenshots of both versions here: printable (for style), fillable (for textbox and click guides). Hopefully those links remain workable for long enough; if not, poke me and I'll refresh them. The gist of the system is that it's a d20 roll-under system where you make checks against a DC set by your own abilities, so success or failure may be fairly easy to bake in depending on how the coding actually works - roll, say, Grace and it's simply 1d20, and meeting or going under the number for Grace on your sheet = success, while exceeding it = failure. Nat 1 - always succeed. Nat 20 - always fail. There is an Advantage/Disadvantage system where Ad = 2d20dh1, and Disad = 2d20dl1, so a toggle for that would be useful. Gift Dice are d6's, Heart Dice are d4's, and you typically have 1 of each per character level (except when given one from another source, such as a class that starts with 1 extra Heart Die). Being able to click on the words "Heart Dice" or "Gift Dice" to roll these would be useful. It's possible to spend more than 1 Gift Die at a time for abilities, as long as you have multiple available, so a drop down prompt asking how many to use at once may save clicking. I wouldn't request/recommend having the sheet automatically count any of these as being 'spent' though, as they are only spent in certain (changeable) circumstances. Manual toggling is probably best for that part. Weapon damage dice are anywhere from 1d4 to 1d10. No modifiers are used on these. The pips next to text fields under "my stuff" indicate inventory bulk and may be toggled on, off, or require two pips for particularly bulky or heavy items. Carry capacity in pips = the numerical value of the character's Resolve score. Exceeding it gives a Weary debuff. I'm not sure if that's something that can automatically be counted up and toggled on, but it's easy enough for a player to keep track of so if anyone out there is up for this it's not a necessary headache by any means. The checkmarks for Weary / Woozy / Befuddled at the bottom are for debuffs that give disadvantage in the skill/Virtue in parentheses while checked. The portrait icon in the corner might be cut from a digital sheet as it is intended for character art. Extra stuff based on gameplay: A second page / scrollable section beneath may be useful for character notes and/or for magic item writeups, as some magic items in the game give extra Special Abilities, occasionally with their own dedicated pool of Gift Dice that can be expended independently on those abilities. A segment in that second page or section specifically labeled "Mishaps" or "Mishap Chart" would be useful for ease of player reference. Rolling two or more Gift Dice and getting double numbers makes a magical mishap occur and the charts are unique to each class. It would be easier for a player to reference this on their sheet than to open the PDF to their class' page to find them. Technically there is an optional multiclassing rule where you can choose a different class/Gift and thereby add abilities from that class/gift in level order (i.e. you can start with Spritely Agility for two levels, then pick up the first level ability in something like Healing Touch for level three). This does allow you to level up past the assumed maximum of 4, though you'll never have higher than 4 levels of special abilities. It does let you have higher levels of Gift/Heart dice though, as those generally = overall level. I don't know if this is too complex to add as a setting or toggle - I know nothing about coding these things. I think that's about all I can think to add for now. If anything else would be helpful, if anyone out there wants to tackle this, let me know? I'll do my best to answer as soon as I can.
If anyone is able, I would love to ask for assistance in updating or creating a new custom version of the Pokemon Tabletop United system character sheets. I have some of the functional code, but I'm not a coder by any means and have been having a friend help me, and I don't know how to update it from needing Legacy Sanitization to a more modern version of it.&nbsp; If anyone wants could help, please hit me up on DMs or on here? I'd really love the assistance.
I am offering a significant bounty on a new character sheet for The Aethyrblood Chronicles RPG. I have the basic HTML/CSS sheets, but we need it cleaned up and looking like a fancy game sheet, since the game in live on BackerKit right now, and our Backers will be looking forward to this Stretch Goal quite soon. This is a supers/cosmic horror game. We're going for a dark theme, but it has to be authentic to the ideas behind the game. We have some great concept art, but nothing specific for the sheet itself since we don't know what the end result might look like. As of the moment, it has a few too many tabs and it looks cluttered and disorganised. Anyone will to take up the challenge? Again, this will be a paid Bounty, specific price best negotiated in non-public forum. Many thanks!
any open to making a ben ten character sheet for a fallow roll20 users benten ttrpg?
Could someone please make a sheet for Animon Story? It's a really neat system, you play as kids with monster companions like digimon, but you MAKE your monster companion and all its evolutions by assigning it a body type, some traits, and an element. It gets more traits as it levels up. There's also narrative-oriented mechanics like Bond Strain, which, when it builds up enough, requires a player and their monster companion to have a "healing" arc where they cope with their shared trauma and/or whatever is straining their relationship. The combat encounters are pretty simple, though, statting out the monsters can be kind of a GM load which is why I really want a sheet on roll20. There's a fan-made sheet on Google Drive, but... I kinda hate running games in Drive. They rely too much on Theater of the Mind, and getting dice rolls to be public is annoying. Link to the system:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It has a free playkit. I don't know if I should link to the G-drive sheet someone made. I feel like taking anything from that sheet would be a little plagiaristic and I don't want to disrespect the work of the person who made it. I'd imagine if they could make a roll20 sheet, they would've, and they might have their own reasons for doing it out of Drive, but the sheet is pinned in the Metal Weave discord, under the Animon Story channel. The user who made it is lunabold on Discord, if anyone wants to reach out to her and ask permission to use her work as a base.

Edited 1716966372
With all those upcoming games and settings for the MYZ-engine, it would be nice to have a more customazible character sheet where you could add and re-name attributes and their skills.&nbsp; Preferably for the d6-pool version as in MYZ, Alien, Coriolis - The Third Horizon, Tales form the Loop and more, the step-die version as in T2K and Blade Runner would be ok, too, but not as tempting ;)
Just putting a request for an Outgunned RPG character sheet out into the Roll20 world. Core book is already shipped and available, and they already have a new successful Adventure book using the same system.

Edited 1717118419
&nbsp; I would like to see an update on this portion of the Elric! sheet. Above this tab is a PLUS you can click on but it doesn't add more Bound Demons &amp; Elementals. It adds more inscribed Runes. (a flaw) It would like to have an option to add more demon/elementals. The sheet only allows 2. Hopefully this could be a quick fix to allow to add more Bound Demons and Elementals.&nbsp;&nbsp; Having a Verbose tab similar to Call of Cthulhu 7th edition would be nice as well. You would have your roll, then see a Regular, Hard, Extreme break down in case you call for something more specific. Elric has a chance to have skills over 100. It would be a PITA to have people constantly figure out 1/5 of a dice roll in a pinch when it can just be printed.&nbsp; Thanks!

Edited 1717146831
Sheet Author
Having a Verbose tab similar to Call of Cthulhu 7th edition would be nice as well. You would have your roll, then see a Regular, Hard, Extreme break down in case you call for something more specific. Elric has a chance to have skills over 100. It would be a PITA to have people constantly figure out 1/5 of a dice roll in a pinch when it can just be printed. That Regular, Hard, Extreme business is 7th edition Cthulhu (and maybe Rivers of London) it does not appear in any other Chaosium BRP game.&nbsp; The Demon sections contain fieldsets (the places where you can add new rows)&nbsp; for the abilities, weapons and skills.&nbsp; To add more demons it would mean fieldsets inside a fieldset which is not currently possible.&nbsp;
Rivers of London does NOT use that either... it is just Cthulhu! David said: Having a Verbose tab similar to Call of Cthulhu 7th edition would be nice as well. You would have your roll, then see a Regular, Hard, Extreme break down in case you call for something more specific. Elric has a chance to have skills over 100. It would be a PITA to have people constantly figure out 1/5 of a dice roll in a pinch when it can just be printed. That Regular, Hard, Extreme business is 7th edition Cthulhu (and maybe Rivers of London) it does not appear in any other Chaosium BRP game.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
TheMarkus1204 said: Rivers of London does NOT use that either... it is just Cthulhu! Rivers of London uses the CoC 7e difficulty system but omits Extreme.&nbsp; The standard Chaosium BRP games use modifiers to skill values to represent difficulties.&nbsp;
Sometime in the past week, " D&amp;D3.5e Character Sheet v2.8 01/07/19 by Diana P." seems to have been rolled back to a previous version.&nbsp; A little over a year ago, Hoyer made several updates to this sheet, including adding several skills that are now gone. Can we get that rollback undone please? It was these skills specifically.&nbsp; There may be other updates that are now missing that I'm not noticing as well. Knowledge (Psionics) Psicraft Use Psionic Device Autohypnosis Truespeak Martial Lore Iaijutsu Focus
May put the Adversary Character Sheet of Fabula Ultima system? They'll make easier our DM life. Example like the photo and this website about the necessary variables:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1717369797
Much easier to read for sure. I don't care for the gothic lettering or whatever it is for Elric. That would be easier to read. Could you incorporate the Verbose Roll option that Call of Cthulhu 7E has as well? This would help when players have a high skill and as a GM, you say this action will be successful if you make a 1/5th roll (Extreme)of your skill, or 1/2 (Hard), or Regular. Which is posted in the text. We can still do that w/o but then someone has to open their calculator app and do the break down. This would make it much easier and already posted. &nbsp;
I am not even sure how this works, if the Roll20 staff reads this or is just people helping people, but +1 request to Werewolf 5th
Hi, I was hoping to get a VTT version of the new-ish "Runescape Kingdoms" TTRPG.&nbsp; However, I have no clue how to make a Character Sheet for it to use on Roll20. Any help would be wonderful. I have PDF's of the Character Sheets and they are easily searchable. Thanks
Kaileb said: Sometime in the past week, " D&amp;D3.5e Character Sheet v2.8 01/07/19 by Diana P." seems to have been rolled back to a previous version.&nbsp; A little over a year ago, Hoyer made several updates to this sheet, including adding several skills that are now gone. Can we get that rollback undone please? It was these skills specifically.&nbsp; There may be other updates that are now missing that I'm not noticing as well. Knowledge (Psionics) Psicraft Use Psionic Device Autohypnosis Truespeak Martial Lore Iaijutsu Focus Thanks for the heads-up, this has been raised to the relevant parties to fix! This is related to the other issues we've had in the past week with our build process, but this particular issue has already been pinpointed and resolved, so these sheets just need a rebuild. I've flagged them to be rebuilt manually on our end.
Goku said: Yes I would love love love a custom character sheet from the Arcane Arcade fallout system. I know people have already asked but I just want to add into that pile of requests.&nbsp; Having tried and struggled using the system online. I still found it well worth the effort, an integrated character/npc sheet would be a very welcome quality of life increase. For a frankly very underrated system, Big +1 for Arcane Arcade Fallout.
Hello, first time doing this so I'm hoping I get this all right. Currently am looking for someone to try and add a Fire Emblem TTRPG character sheet over into Roll20. More specifically, the system and sheets created by Dylan B's Fire Emblem system. Full character sheet PDF: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Full "Master Handbook" PDF: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> There is already one other Fire Emblem system on here, however that system is both discontinued for the foreseeable future and is focused more on the modern games (at the time). That system also came with a whole bunch of macros/API scripts and the like. Which, if possible (and feasible), I'd hopefully be able to see also ported/added to Dylan B's system. Though not required if it turns out to be unsalvageable. I know it'll probably be a whole lot of work, which is why I'd be willing to pay to get this done. I have no clue on how difficult it would be to do all of the above, so I'm not quite sure how much a good amount to offer would even be... So an estimated price to get this all done would also probably be helpful if someone is good at figuring that out too. Thanks in advance.
David, thanks for the lettering fix on the Elric Sheet.
Also cross-posted to Character Sheet Requests: Can anyone please &nbsp;take a look at the d20 Modern sheet and give it a fresh coat of paint, at least? Some sections could definitely do with improved functionality. It's also got an image that's not loading on the main page, and the layout is hard to read at best once you start adding items.
Hello all A request for an official Werewolf 5E sheet Much Thanks
Request of Drakar och Demoner (&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;) , there is one in the DragonBane core set, but its in english. I need one in Swedish :) Thank you for the help!&nbsp; /pontus
Have you tried switching the language you use for Roll20 to Swedish? AFAIK the sheet is from the original publisher, so it should already be available in both languages... Pontus W. said: Request of Drakar och Demoner (&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;) , there is one in the DragonBane core set, but its in english. I need one in Swedish :) Thank you for the help!&nbsp; /pontus
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Pontus W. said: Request of Drakar och Demoner (&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;) , there is one in the DragonBane core set, but its in english. I need one in Swedish :) Thank you for the help!&nbsp; /pontus Yep, as Markus suggested, the sheet is fully translated to swedish and will use whichever language your roll20 account is sheet to. Additionally, the compendium has a swedish and English version and you can control which version is available in your game from the game settings page; just set the language version of each book that you don't want to be unavailable.
Heyo, is anyone able to make something for the Renegade Studio's MLP system? I notice the Power Ranger one is on here, but its pretty different from the MLP one. If you can help, then thanks :)
Is anyone up to the task and puts together a character sheet for CitiesWithoutNumber please!

Edited 1718928201
is someone willing to add the fallout character sheet by arcane arcade. fillable sheet: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
WulfricNick said: Hi, I was hoping to get a VTT version of the new-ish "Runescape Kingdoms" TTRPG.&nbsp; However, I have no clue how to make a Character Sheet for it to use on Roll20. Any help would be wonderful. I have PDF's of the Character Sheets and they are easily searchable. Thanks Just bumping this as I would really love to run Runescape Kingdoms! Much Thanks!
With Otherscape being a few weeks away, there's definitely interest with my play circles to run Metro: Otherscape on Roll20.... We've been using the City of Mist sheet for now (the engine it's based off of) but things like Loadout and other improvements are missing so we gotta dump half the info into notes. An Otherscape sheet would be greatly appreciated :)