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Roll20 is coming to Discord as an Activity!

Ok, when I invite a player to my Roll20 discord Activity channel, it instead sends them to the main Roll20 discord server room, instead of directly into my channel!
Forum Champion
Ricky R. said: Ok, when I invite a player to my Roll20 discord Activity channel, it instead sends them to the main Roll20 discord server room, instead of directly into my channel! Hi Ricky,  Please go to the Text channel for your Voice channel. In there you can assign people permission to join your channel. Then they will be able to join.

Edited 1714586298
I found it defaulted to light mode and I had no audio, no doubt I could have sorted that had I hung around and tried, but I use 5e Token Action Menu by Kurt J and whilst it ran, some of the buttons on it did not display properly and so the negatives were stacking rapidly.  Having said that, I am sure those are minor speedbumps and could be overcome by the willing, these are very early days after all.  My main problem was similar to Markus, the viewable screen is just way too small for me (24" monitor in old money) and I could not see me running a session on such a small interface.  EDIT: one of our players has said they might use it with their laptop, I would have to launch it and invite them, but I could just run the VTT as normal and they would access via Discord Activity ... I guess that means other players would have to also access via that to have the audio (currently we use Discord for all audio/ video when playing), whilst I haven't tried I can't see 2 voice channels working. Feedback left on Discord too
TheMarkus1204 said: Follow the Link in Jayme's Post. There you find the Discord Link for that Server. And this Link works. Darryn said: None of the links in the Newsletter are working. I click the link <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And I get this Hi there! Do you mind making a ticket for our XP team? While there are definitely other ways to access the Discord Activity (via the link in the Pro forum or Jayme's provided guide, for example), if there are issues accessing the Beta via email, the team should be made aware.
Really appreciate all the posts in this thread, and hope you're also sharing it in the Discord Server so devs will account for all feedback. I'm going to cross-post an update from them from this morning, as it directly addresses some of your concerns:&nbsp; We hear you on the screen Real Estate . We 're going to ask Discord if there 's anything they have planned in the future to make that better . We hear you on popping out character sheets . We have some ideas on how we can tackle this that we 're hoping to roll out in the next few weeks . We 're working hard on fixing some of the smaller bugs as soon as possible , like images not loading in some scenarios . We 're actively working through all of your feedback and questions and answering as quickly as we can !
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> said: Jay M. said: When does the new Pro pricing start and when does it end? The discount is available for new subscribers as of yesterday. You can access it: HERE .&nbsp; I am currently a Plus subscriber but am considering moving to Pro at the discounted $79.99 price. However, I do not see it when I follow your link. It still says $99.99 per year, even when I click the link. So this is only for "new" subscribers and not for "new to Pro" subscribers, is that correct?

Edited 1715039297
OK, so nobody can join me. WTF? It says that I don't have the right permissions. And the players are telling me it's locked. What a clunky interface with no instructions.
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Dr DM said: OK, so nobody can join me. WTF? It says that I don't have the right permissions. And the players are telling me it's locked. What a clunky interface with no instructions. Hey Dr DM, Do these instructions help? Once you are in the Activity Beta server, you can join or create a Voice call. Once you’re in, you can launch the Activity Beta by clicking any of the rocket ship icons or the “Choose an Activity” button. At this step, you will be prompted to log in. If you are participating in the Beta, please log into your existing Roll20 Pro account at this step. You can’t launch the activity during the Beta without an active Pro subscription. Once the activity is launched, everyone you invite to the video call that joins the activity with you will be prompted to create or log into their Roll20 accounts before joining you. If that's doesn't help, at what point are you being told you don't have the right permissions? And is it Discord telling you, or Roll20 through Discord? Also, when you'r players say "it's locked", what specifically is locked? Screenshots might help the team figure out what is going on.

Edited 1715048309
Here's what had to happen: "Join To Create" a Voice Channel Invite people by clicking the little "Invite to Server" icon (a torso and head with a plus sign by the channel name) Right-click on your channel name and select "Open Chat" On the right hand side of the chat window, click on "Change channel permissions:" Select "Unlock" On the right hand side of the chat window, click on "Change channel&nbsp; permissions:" Select "Permit" Enter the&nbsp; name on one person that you invited. Repeat step 7 and 8 for every other person you invited. One by one. Now that these steps have been followed, the people you invited can actually join. Until then, they keep getting messages that they can't join that channel. Honestly, it's a real failure that I appear to be the first person actually writing these steps somewhere where someone could maybe find them. Ran a Marvel game. It was a little slow and it was strange doing everything in one window, but everything went well. Was still using another window to access the compendium, but the ability to pop out character sheets was a big set back. Had to teach my players about double-clicking the top of their sheets--and they've been playing on Roll20 for at least 4 years.
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My guess is that those are likely necessary concessions for handling permissions on the Beta, where a huge group of games are running on someone else's server, but each game must restrict access against strangers. The release version will almost certainly be simpler.
I'm having a problem joining the Roll20 activity server thingie. Using the link that was provided, I connect to the server. The first thing that happens is I get question 1 of 3 that pops up asking me whether I'm a player, a GM or both. No matter what option I pick, nothing happens. It does not move on to question 2. I have sent a help request in, and gotten no help other than to ask folks in the Discord community. I have asked folks in the Discord community and they say that the set up Roll20 is using for the onboarding is not done correctly. I'm now stuck in some sort of limbo where Roll20 is saying that it's Discord's fault, and Discord saying it's Roll20's fault. Has anyone else encountered this problem? What did you do to fix it? I've tried logging out and logging in again, clearing the cache, disconnecting from the server and trying to connect again, and reinstalling Discord. FWIW, I'm using the Discord app on a Macbook Pro M1 computer. I have the latest version of the Discord app (or at least the latest as of 5/8). I'm running MacOS 12.7.4. I'm on about 30 or so servers in Discord and this is the only one with a problem so I suspect it really is Roll20s fault but...
Forum Champion
I had a chance to test this solo (alone, no other players) and everything I tested works. Character sheets, 3D dice, Jukebox, Pages menu, Speaking-As, and so on. Hopefully this thread will get an Update if-when this comes out of Beta (?)