timmaugh said: Hey lachrymalquietus... unfortunately roll templates do not natively work from Rollable Tables that way. The results of rolling from the table wraps the result in a roll formatting, and the template syntax is not discovered. Also, any inline rolls present in the roll template are also not expanded (they aren't discovered as rolls). However, since I see the Pro tag beside your name, you can solve this with scripts. If you install the Metascript Toolbox, it will work with only a very slight alteration. For example, if your rollable table was named "Despair-Deck," you might previously have rolled from it like this: [[ 1t[Despair-Deck] ]] Once you have the Metascript Toolbox, you can change that command to: ![[ 1t[Despair-Deck] ]] {&simple} And without changing any of the entries in the rollable table, this should work. You'll get a template output to the chat, and if there are any inline rolls in the text, they will be discovered and rolled. If I have misunderstood what you're trying to do -- or if you can't get it to work on your own -- post back with the command you are trying to run and I'll lend a hand. Tim, question about this, would this work for the following macro? !rt[Delimiter:BR|] /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Random Treasure}}{{You Found=?{Choose|10gp Gems, [[1t[10gp-Gems]]] 10gp|50gp Gems, [[1t[50gp-Gems]]] 50gp|100gp Gems, [[1t[100gp-Gems]]] 100gp|500gp Gems, [[1t[500gp-Gems]]] 500gp|1000gp Gems, [[1t[1000gp-Gems]]] 1000gp|5000gp Gems, [[1t[5000gp-Gems]]] 5000gp|25gp Art, [[1t[25gp-Art]]] 25gp|250gp Art, [[1t[250gp-Art]]] 250gp|750gp Art, [[1t[750gp-Art]]] 750gp|2500gp Art, [[1t[2500gp-Art]]] 2500gp|7500gp Art, [[1t[7500gp-Art]]] 7500gp|Individual Treasure Tier I, [[1t[ITTI]]]|Individual Treasure Tier II, [[1t[ITTII]]]|Individual Treasure Tier III, [[1t[ITTIII]]]|Individual Treasure Tier IV, [[1t[ITTIV]]]|Treasure Horde Tier I, [[1t[THTI]]]|Treasure Horde Tier II, [[1t[THTII]]]|Treasure Horde Tier III, [[1t[THTIII]]]|Treasure Horde Tier IV, [[1t[THTIV]]]} }}