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Pixels Dice Extention

Score + 79
The new physical dice called Pixels are Bluetooth-enabled dice with integrated RGB LEDs and can be modified depending on what you rolled through their app. They can communicate online via Bluetooth, so if you roll irl it displays the roll in roll20 (and any other page your group plays on like DnD Beyond). Pixels are very new and as such we need to drum up some hype here in roll20 and others to set up an extension for Pixels to work on their platform.
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
You should contact Pixels to have them contact Roll20. That's how such things work.
I'm not affiliated with Pixels, just an excited backer, but I believe they already have. The answer I got back when reaching out to roll20 myself was: "We are constantly collecting feedback on that  forum  to gauge community interest in various subjects. You can start a post on the topic there and the community can upvote it. This helps show our product team that the suggested feedback is a feature the community supports and wants." So thats what this is :^)
I am absolutely on board with the idea of an official integration for Pixels dice on Roll20; their entire project is open-source, and they've made APIs to help facilitate integration, if I'm not mistaken.
Yes, they have reached out to Roll20. And I'm really hoping for swift integration here, being able to roll physical dice and have those work with whatever character I'm currently playing would be awesome! 

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in case anyone wants to check them out (side note: the site products are still only open to backers until around Feb 8th when orders open to the general public). In the meantime you can read all about the dice, how they are put together, and their capabilities here: (oops I guess no links, but you can google search "gamewithpixels" if you want) ([Mod: Link Removed]: Search the topic for more information)
Pixels will be delivered to backers starting in April.  It would be very disappointing if the integration API wasn't ready by then. (especially since at least one other major competitor already has theirs out!)
Tracking numbers for for dice are finally going out to backers, so it would be great if this was implemented sooner rather than later. Once the site is open to the public in April (I believe) you'll see a lot more requests for this! 
Just got my shipping notification and excited to start using these dice in game. Would be amazing if this extension was completed. 
Stephanie B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Also a fan and would love these to come to Roll20!
Same here. Pixel dice integration not working in Roll20 would be a reason for me to use a different VTT. Using them with Roll20 is my first choice, though...
Really hoping to have integration for my upcoming dice set! 

Edited 1708986365
Pixels dice are on their way, and I don't see any sign of an integration anywhere. Anybody have any leads? My group currently rolls from DnDBeyond through Beyond20, but rolling real dice from a Roll20 sheet (especially with the new character sheet coming) would be great. But not if there's not a ready-made integration available. Foundry's already got their integration up and running.
Please please do this.
I just got my dice and would really love to be able to roll and not worry about sending a message with my dice roll after. The efficiency and ease of play would hopefully welcome even more players into the game.  
I'd love to be able to use my Pixels dice with Roll20 as well.
Same! Would love to be able to roll directly in the game with the Pixel Dice. 
Just got mine and cant wait to be able to use it with Roll 20!  Hopefully easy support comes soon!
Received mine this weekend and would absolutely love to use it with Roll20. Roll20 isn't my first choice of VTT, but all the campaigns I am in that my friends are running are hosted on this service. Being able to use my Pixels dice directly in the platform (which I've already pre-ordered another) would certainly help me enjoy this platform more. Also, I am an avid avoider of digital dice rollers, which I have met plenty of other similar people. This sometimes creates an issue within this platform due to mistrust of dice rolls and the possibility of players fudging the rolls; However, this is the only option that I've seen that would not be a compromise, but a full solution to this issue. 
Mine finally arrived, and I would love to see some integration between the dice and Roll20. It's no fun having cool dice when you mostly play online, but these solve that problem!
My friends and I pretty much exclusively play D&D on Roll20. I haven’t received my Pixels d20 yet, but we’re getting ready to start a new long term game after finishing a 4 year campaign, and I would LOVE to be able to start this new game and new character using my Pixels d20!!! Please add support for the Pixels dice!!!
I just received mine today and was super disappointed to find out there is practically no integration yet. I ordered pretty much when the Kickstarter launched, with the explicit purpose of using the dice in my online games on Roll20. Hopefully something will happen with it soon!
definetly wanting pixel dice intergration
Hey, I found this to get pixels to work with roll20.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The default macro just send a chat message with the name of the die and the number rolled. I am still trying to figure out how to use it to make an attack roll or cast a spell or something but it should just be a matter of figuring out macro commands.&nbsp;
Ryan S. said: Hey, I found this to get pixels to work with roll20.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The default macro just send a chat message with the name of the die and the number rolled. I am still trying to figure out how to use it to make an attack roll or cast a spell or something but it should just be a matter of figuring out macro commands.&nbsp; I got it to work. here is an example of a macro using my prismatic whip. This is the macro that gets generated when I roll it from my character sheet.&nbsp; @{Brylee Shadowrest|wtype}&amp;{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+7}} {{rname=prismatic whip}} {{r1=[[@{Brylee Shadowrest|d20}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} @{Brylee Shadowrest|rtype}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=15 foot}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[2 + 1[STR] + 4[MOD]]]}} {{dmg1type=}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d4+4[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[2d4+4[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc=when you strike with this whip it will emanate an additional energy either red orange yellow green blue or violet. the extra energy will be discharged in to the target for 1d6 damage Red is fire orange is acid, yellow is lightning green is poison blue is cold and violet blinds subject until end of next turn but no additional damage. +1 magical weapon requires attunement. Roll 1d6 for color and 1d6 for additional damage.}}&nbsp; &nbsp;{{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Brylee Shadowrest|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Brylee Shadowrest|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Brylee Shadowrest|charname_output} &nbsp; we really only need to look at 1 line of code:&nbsp; &nbsp; {{r1=[[@{Brylee Shadowrest|d20}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} @{Brylee Shadowrest|rtype}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} this is the code for our roll. all we need to do is replace&nbsp; @{Brylee Shadowrest|d20}cs&gt;20 with #face_value. It should look like this&nbsp; {{r1=[[#face_value + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} @{Brylee Shadowrest|rtype}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} I left the message of the dice name and value at the top like default and added in the macro below. the whole macro looks like this:&nbsp; Pixel #pixel_name rolled a #face_value @{Brylee Shadowrest|wtype}&amp;{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+7}} {{rname=prismatic whip}} {{r1=[[#face_value + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} @{Brylee Shadowrest|rtype}cs&gt;20 + 1[STR] + 6[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=15 foot}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[2 + 1[STR] + 4[MOD]]]}} {{dmg1type=}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d4+4[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[2d4+4[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc=when you strike with this whip it will emanate an additional energy either red orange yellow green blue or violet. the extra energy will be discharged in to the target for 1d6 damage Red is fire orange is acid, yellow is lightning green is poison blue is cold and violet blinds subject until end of next turn but no additional damage. +1 magical weapon requires attunement. Roll 1d6 for color and 1d6 for additional damage.}}&nbsp; &nbsp;{{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{Brylee Shadowrest|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{Brylee Shadowrest|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{Brylee Shadowrest|charname_output} The only problem is so far it is opening up about 7 or prompts for the roll. I just use the first one and cancel the rest. Not a big issue but I am sure with some more playing around that can be fixed. I hope this helps.
Got my d20 the other day.&nbsp; Like it, for the most part, but it's sad with all the time it's been in production that the integrations and some other software features are lagging.&nbsp; For those who use D&amp;D Beyond, I found this : &nbsp; <a href=";t=480s" rel="nofollow">;t=480s</a> Works very well, and sets a standard I will hold the VTTs to.&nbsp; Supposedly there is a Foundry integration but I haven't had time to investigate that.
Roll20 integration would be the greatest. I use Roll20 almost exclusively so if thats at all in the cards it has my support
+1 for extension to connect to Roll20.
Lucy is upset that we don't have official Roll20 support for Pixels. Why would you want to upset Lucy?
I understand the Roll20 team probably has plenty of other development projects but please Roll20 work on this and or give us an official statement on the possibility of the integration.
If it works with D&amp;D Beyond, does it not work with the Beyond 20 extension?
The D&amp;D Beyond extension does work with the Beyond 20 extension, yes. So for those people who play D&amp;D 5e and have play with D&amp;D Beyond + Roll20, that works. It would be great for everyone else to also be able to use their Pixels here too though.
Definitely adding my name to supporting a Roll20 Pixels integration!&nbsp;
Thomas Synjin
Marketplace Creator
I ordered mine today but i absolutely want to be able to use mine with my ROLL twenty campaigns.&nbsp; PLEASE!
What must we do, whom must we beg, to get a better integration going? While the github project linked works, and I can send results to chat, I would love to be able to click on my sheet for a roll, and have it prompt me to do so, using the result in its calculations.
Please add this functionality, seamless Pixels functionality will be a priority for my group when choosing a VTT going forward
Since I've no idea if anyone from roll20 will read this thread, I've been asking on social media where roll20 maintains a presence, specifically Bluesky. If I get any response there, I'll crosspost it here.
Also a Pixels owner with more dice on the way and with at least two friends who have some as well wanting integration in R20! Add 3 to tally!
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
Scott L. said: What must we do, whom must we beg, to get a better integration going? While the github project linked works, and I can send results to chat, I would love to be able to click on my sheet for a roll, and have it prompt me to do so, using the result in its calculations. Contact the people who make Pixels Dice.

Edited 1715179807
Thomas Synjin
Marketplace Creator
&nbsp;I have been very loyal to Roll20 and I have enjoyed the Roll20 teams responsiveness. Both necessity and how your team comports itself is the reason I became a convert to online play. My preference has always been in person since the 80's but I enjoy distance play quite a bit now. The prospect of being able to use the Pixels dice I purchased when they arrive, (which I SPECIFICALLY bought for this reason) THIS, would mean everything. The ability to roll actual dice again, THIS is a game changer for me.&nbsp; Roll20 needs to make an extension. Partner with Pixel if needs be. I suspect it could prove to be one of the standouts amongst the suite of far reaching improvements you've been hard at work implementing.&nbsp; Pixel dice integration please.
Full functionality of pixel dice on the Roll 20 platform would be awesome.&nbsp; I belong to several campaigns on Roll 20 for whom the integration of Pixel dice would be a amazing boon. Please develop the integration.&nbsp; This feels like not only a smart business decision that many existing subscribers want and support but would be a powerful marketing tool for the platform itself.
Hello there, I am also an excited backer of this project and found the first of my ordered dice in my mailbox already. So it is not a hoax like other kickstarter projects. As far as I know Pixels already reached out for roll20 which was one of the main reasons to back this project for me. It seemsnlike there has been no further communication or integration yet. Anyways the project bases on open source and should be quite easy to implement.
I love Roll20 but the biggest difficulty in getting my players to use it is the fact that none of them like digital dice. If we could get Pixel Dice integration I'm confident I could change their minds about using Roll20 and I could finally re-enable my pro subscription! You give me Pixel integration, I give you my money? pretty please?

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I would enjoy the feel of tactile dice over the virtual dice any day, and Pixel Dice would be the version Roll20 community should invest in as it is literally a game changer. Look into this Dev and Staff, the future is a roll away.
Getting built in support for pixel dice would be very beneficial to bringing in more people using Roll20. A tactile aspect of a digital based game adds a lot to the experience. Please consider. Thanks.
I stand with everyone else asking for Pixel Dice support! It would be a lot more engaging to have some actual dice to roll while playing. Roll20 should definitely add support for the use of them.

Edited 1718900072
I am shamelessly bumping this thread! Also, with Roll20 focusing on trying to get people to use the platform both online and face to face, adding this functionality would seem to further that goal considerably.
Seamless integration and the feel of real dice during an online campaign would definitely improve my quality of life
B Simon Smith said: Scott L. said: What must we do, whom must we beg, to get a better integration going? While the github project linked works, and I can send results to chat, I would love to be able to click on my sheet for a roll, and have it prompt me to do so, using the result in its calculations. Contact the people who make Pixels Dice. Pixels reached out to Roll20 ages ago about an official partnership.&nbsp; As far as I know, there have been some behind-the-scenes discussions with certain staff members, but no official support has been announced.
I bought pixels specifically to play here, and I would love to have an official integration!