We will form the group and get a briefing from Mr. Black and Mr. White. You recently got a thick envelope in the mail or through your normal drop box. In the envelope was a letter asking you to attend a meeting at the Miami Trump Towers. Also in the envelope was $5,000, a fake ID with your photo (the quality of the forgery is C.I.A./F.S.B. grade), a one way first class ticket to Miami, and a confirmed prepaid reservation for a suite at the hotel. No experience is needed, we will decide as a group the scheduling, within some limitations. We will meet every other week. I anticipate 6 to 8 sessions to complete. We will use native Roll 20 audio, no video, mostly "Theater of the Mind" style play. The sessions will be recorded, and may be released at a later date after being edited down to remove all of the "what page was that on" and "Bob was here a minute ago, hey Bob are you listening?".