I am looking for evening players for some Call of Cthulhu. The days I am looking at are Thursday, Friday, or Sunday. I will be able to start no earlier than 9 PM ET and I would like to for at least 3 and a half hours. I can do more if the group is up for it. If you are new to CoC, or just new to role playing games in general, then do not worry. I can get you up and running quickly with this game, and you do not need any of the books for the game. You will be able to learn the game while playing and having fun. You don't need to know any of the lore either. In fact, not knowing will help you get into the game. I am new to using Roll 20. I have skme basic understanding, but nothing fancy. I will continue to practice, and find ways to enhance your experince. I should note that CoC is a Horror based game, and usually is set in the 1920s. I say this because some of the content might be upsetting. Beyond normal horror stuff, I am also talking about the human element too. We can discuss one on one if there is something you cannot handle. It is a game. It is suppose to be fun, not upsetting. One more thing, I prefer to use the Pulp Cthulhu rules. It gives the game more grace for action scenes. That way you will have a chance to fight like Brandon Fraser in the Mummy, and not be like some victim in a slasher movie.