I use a homebrew system in which special bonuses accrue when rolling more than needed to hit with ranged attacks. The problem is getting the macro to show both bonuses. I don't really need the actual for or 'hit surplus' to show. If the bonuses are negative I know the shot missed. My system also tracks the number of actions used for a shot, rolling a d10 per action and keeping the best 2. I've been trying to do something like this: &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name}'s Shot}} {{ [[ ( ?{Actions Spent?|2,2|3,3|4,4|5,5|6,6}d10kh2+(@{selected|ranged bonus}-?{total penalty?|0}-15) )*floor(@{selected|Bonus 1 )+ (@{selected|fixed bonus 1} }} { $[[0]]* {floor(@{selected|Bonus Damage}) ]]+ [[@{selected|ranged_damage} ]] }} Obviously this doesn't work, but I think it shows what I'm trying to accomplish more clearly than any of my attempts to use nested rolls and triple brackets. Specifically I need to take ( ?{Actions Spent?|2,2|3,3|4,4|5,5|6,6}d10kh2+(@{selected|ranged bonus}-?{total penalty?|0}-15) which gives the Hit Surplus and multiply it by @{bonus1} and then add a fixed bonus, and also multiply the hit bonus by @{bonus2} and add another fixed bonus. If I need API for this that's fine, if I can figure out how/which one. Is this possible?