Blade Runner 2037 RPG rule set by Free League Games. Time will be USA Wednesday evenings late night EST 10 PM to about Midnight. Small group of 4 max, 2 hour sessions, weekly 7PM PST to about 9 PM PST. We have four players already. Rookie Replicant Nexus-9 Doxie Seasoned human Enforcer. Old-Timer Human Cityspeaker. Veteran Human Inspector We are looking for an alternate or other applicants in case someone drops but right now we're full. No experience with the RPG is necessary, we will teach. This group is just starting, we have had a session zero. Session 1 and campaign starts next Wednesday. It is preferred if you have seen both the Bladerunner, and Bladerunner 2049 fims, and understand the basic conventions of the setting: - Dystopia - Eco Collapse - Replicants vs. Humans. - It is a dark Cyberpunk setting. - Set in Los Angeles, characters are part of the LAPD, and are Bladerunners, solving cases and dealing with moral dillemas related to other crimes, and especially as Blade Runners liquidation of earlier generations of Replicants. This is not called Execution. it is called RETIREMENT. This is a dark roleplaying RPG with moral quandaries as the focus of Roleplay. Post here or PM your interest and experience.