Hi all
So the two sheets I maintain were impacted by the bug with the inline styles removed by Roll20 when deploying to the live servers. It looks like this bug impacted only the sheets with the "legacy": true setting in the sheet.json
When CSE came out in 2021, I did not pursue my migration efforts as I tried to enable it (putting "legacy": false in the json), saw that it was messing up the layout, found the Roll20 doc unhelpful, plus I did not have time to spare to revise the sheet and know I s*ck at CSS
After this legacy sheets panic, I thought I would try again. So I opened the wiki page on CSE and read it again and thought I understood what needed to be done :
- Remove the 'sheet-' prefix in front of class names in HTML and CSS
- But keep it in front on the col, row, 2colrow and 3colrow classes provided by R20
- And keep it in front of the rolltemplate classes as well
So that's what I did. I loaded the resulting HTML and CSS in a sandbox game
... And the character sheet does not display at all and I don't have the littlest idea why.
- Did I misread the Roll20 wiki ?
- Is the only way to move to CSE actually to disable legacy, and just inspect the result and fix whatever issue it creates with your sheet ?
I have uploaded the HTML and CSS files on my Github repo @ https://github.com/stephaned68/ChroniquesGalactiques
These are the files with a -cse suffix
If anyone have an idea of what I did wrong and any suggestions on how to actually migrate to CSE, I would appreciate any help