Hello all you lovely people of the internet. I'm trying to make my life easier in the future by making it complicated in the moment. I'm trying to make a "Gestalt rules" API for a DnD game where I can just have my players level up their characters as if they're multiclassing without ruining things. Specifically at the moment I'm trying to use TokenMod and ChatSetAttr to automatically fix the proficiency bonus to the correct level. Since roll20 thinks they're multiclassing, it's miscalculating it. Here's the code I currently have. on('ready', function() { on('change:attribute:level', function(obj) { const level = obj.get('current'); const characterId = obj.get('_characterid'); const proficiencyBonus = Math.floor((level - 1) / 8) + 2; // Use ChatSetAttr to update the proficiency bonus const command = `!setattr --charid ${characterId} --proficiency_bonus|${proficiencyBonus}`; sendChat('API', command); }); }); I've no idea if I'm even in the right ballpark here... any help would be appreciated.