I just lost about 6 months of forum work because i tried to edit and save something and got the SUBJECT LINE instead. This has been happening for years and i follow all the guidelines required and recommended settings. Is there anyway to recover this information (already tried rolling back, the information is gone in other dated games). When will this be fixed and what can we do to prevent this from happening. I swear im just about done with roll20, it's no wonder people are going to foundry. I can't add anything to the forums on roll20, even now. What the hell folks, it's one thing after another, monster compendiums not working, maps i had no issues with in the past are no blurry, saved tokens broken or missing, font not working on the forums properly, music not working or playing correctly. And now this JUMP thing... (that i refuse to use). Someone please respond, i have been a loyal dedicated customer since the beginning and have defended roll20 on every corner, but this is getting ridiculous.