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Star Trek Adventures group looking for players


Edited 1720583123
Hi Im Kirt, I am a new GM though I have plenty of player experience and I am perfectly happy being a player too I am looking however to start a Star Trek Adventures campaign we will be playing over discord late on Saturday evenings as at the time of writing this I work for the USPS and they give me a whole new schedule every single week so this is the best bet I have to pull this off though if things keep going the way they are I will probably be jobless here soon I live in Arizona so keep that in mind as well The campaign will be set in 2389 post TNG, pre-Picard the ship is USS Normandy a New Orleans class ship and just playing through different missions that I will be coming up with as I can I have 4 pretty much ready to go with a rough idea for a 5th though these will also be subject to change Via our Session 0 I have just one major rule and that is Leave your political and real life baggage by the door! I will not be dealing with any of that we are here to have some fun and escape real life so don't bring it up If interested please hit me up here or at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> or at Capt. TheDefiantPirate(Weasel) on Discord Our days are looking like it will be sunday and I am looking to actually push it to maybe 3PM Arizona time with the End time TBD by the group as a whole&nbsp;

Edited 1719013505
I want to play a unscrupulous, hard nose, tell it like it he wants it to be, Captain named Ronald Trump.&nbsp; His goal is to make people beleive he wants to make Star Fleet great again while secretly lining his pocktes with latinum.&nbsp; I want to do a campaign were we build a wall across the neutral zone to keep Romulans from creeping over.&nbsp; If that character doesnt work, I want to play a Star Fleet officer named Yosef Biden.&nbsp; This guy is super old and has a lot of skills, but is super forgetful. Everytime he talks he has to roll a d6 and on a 3+ he forgets the end of his sentence.&nbsp;&nbsp;
On a serious note... I cant keep track of what happened in TNG, Voyager, DS9 and all the other Star Trek movies and spin offs... and chance of running the game during TOS?&nbsp; maybe in a vacum that keeps out all other retcon series like Enterprise and Strange New Worlds?&nbsp; Just TOS...

Edited 1719160351
I play in a Star Trek Adventures campaign that is being run by a friend who is an absolutely amazing GM.&nbsp; It feels so incredibly Star Trek authentic.&nbsp; We are in the TOS era playing the crew of the USS Anubis, a Saladin class ship.&nbsp; We have an amazing crew.&nbsp; We could use an Engineer or Comms officer if you are interested in joining up with us.&nbsp; It could take the pressure off you with your job schedule and such. We play Saturday nights at 9 pm EST.
Hello, &nbsp;I'm interested in joining your group. However, I have to warn you that I'm really new to this game (used to play D&amp;D as a kid...but it's been a loooong time). I'm still in the process of getting the core rulebook and whatever else I might need to jump in.