Hi there folks, and welcome to the  s tart of another weekend! This week we have a pretty big collection of jumpgate bugs aimed at improving performance, stability, as well as just some added quality of life improvements as well. June 25, 2024 Roll20 Tabletop Jumpgate Beta:  Made an update to re-center map button behavior: Pressing Home Key or the re-center map button now resets position but not zoom. Pressing Shift+Home keys or holding Shift while pressing the re-center map button will now reset both position and zoom. Fixed issue where shapes drawn on the lighting layer from certain orientations resulted in a misaligned shadow Made stability updates to minimize instances of player Voice and Video avatars not showing Fixed issue where players could sometimes see bars/nameplates for tokens on GM layer, or could not see bars/nameplate on tokens moved from GM to token layer Fixed issue where archive folders for the first archived page did not show up until refresh Fixed issue where Home key was centering the view when pressed in input fields Fixed issue where holding down 'q' in the Measure tool resulted in an unreasonable amount of waypoints Made several improvements to performance/stability: We've updated underlying engine framework. This will have performance improvements and additionally includes fixes for some webgl context lost issues. Made a system update that will improve load speed and stability of large Dynamic Lighting maps on mobile devices and devices with less GPU resources Made rendering more performant on mobile devices and devices with less GPU resources Added optimizations for lighting engine to improve performance June 26, 2024 Roll20 Tabletop Jumpgate Beta:  Fixed an issue which filled the page with permanent darkness (instead of explorable darkness) when enabling Explorer Mode & Fill Page from the Fog of War menu Fixed an issue where token actions did not appear for multi-selected tokens June 27, 2024 Roll20 Tabletop Jumpgate Beta: Fixed an issue where tokens were missing some token bars/bar text upon initial paste on the same page.  Please che ck the  Change Log  for up-to-date information on releases.